One Mile at a Time
Airline Pilots & DEI: A Reality Check, As Unbiased As Possible
In the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen two catastrophic accidents involving US-based airlines. Obviously our political climate is incredibly polarizing nowadays, and DEI has become a big topic. In the aftermath of both of these accidents, many people immediately suggested that DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) practices might be...
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
Earn 5,000 bonus Skywards miles on Emirates flights from Milan to New York City
Emirates is looking to boost traffic on their daily fifth freedom route between Milan and New York City with 5,000 bonus Skywards Miles up for grabs on those flights. Members who register for this offer will earn the bonus in any eligible fare class booked and flown only from Milan...
Frequent Miler
Going for Gold with American Airlines: Is it worth it?
The American Airlines elite year now runs from March 1st through the end of February. This means that as this post publishes, those chasing elite status with American Airlines have just over a week left to achieve status that will last from March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2026. With...
International Stories
美国信用卡:万豪 Amex Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant Card 介绍
在美国万豪和美国运通 Amex 合作发行了三张联名个人卡和一张商业卡,Amex Marriott Bonvoy […]
通过 Topcashback 购买 ExpressVPN 可获得 100% 返现
Topcashback经常给用户提供大额返现,现在通过 Topcashback 购买 ExpressVPN 可 […]
雅高会员全攻略:Accor Live Limitless 介绍,一篇玩转雅高心悦界2025版
雅高酒店集团起源于法国,目前是欧洲最大的酒店集团,旗下共有30个品牌2800多家酒店,从经济酒店宜必思到奢华酒 […]
澳门旅游淡旺季,节日庆典与公共假期介绍 2025,合理安排出游时间
外出旅行时,如果恰好碰上当地的旅游旺季是很痛苦的事情,一方面人潮拥挤,参观景点、当地体验都不会很好;另一方面, […]
美国信用卡:万豪 Amex Marriott Bonvoy Bevy Card 介绍
在美国万豪和美国运通 Amex 合作发行了三张联名个人卡和一张商业卡,Amex Marriott Bonvoy […]
Pontos pra Voar
Fim da Sala VIP American Express em Guarulhos: Impactos para Clientes Santander e Bradesco
Ao que tudo indica, a American Express encerrará as atividades da sua Sala VIP localizada no Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos (GRU) no dia 28 de fevereiro de 2025. Apesar da novidade ainda não ter sido divulgada oficialmente pela empresa, ela já foi confirmada pelos funcionários da recepção da sala e...
Riku Miley
内容的には – 一時帰国を視野に入れた戦略が必要 – なかなか承認されないからBBT(自分名義のみ)かNLLでABPかABG – Chase Ink、Hyatt(Personal/Business) – Aspire/Brilliant/Marriott Business – アメリカにいる時と日本に持って帰るカードは違う – 2025年の抱負:ランと英語! – MSについて二人の具体的な戦略を公開! など、楽しく話しています。 オンラインコミュニティの詳しい説明はこちらです。 The post 【限定ポッドキャスト】〇△◇さんの2025年カードお代わり戦略(?)と2025年の抱負は? first appeared on アメリカ在住陸マイラー.
Pontos pra Voar
Radar PPV! Resumo das promoções de acúmulo e transferência de pontos do dia 18 de fevereiro de 2025
Bem-vindos a mais uma edição do Radar PPV! Veja a seguir as principais promoções desta terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025. A Esfera está oferecendo aos seus clientes até 18 pontos por real gasto em seis parceiros. Também tivemos o Azul Fidelidade oferecendo 50% de desconto no congelamento de tarifas....
Pontos pra Voar
Smiles oferece até 70% de bônus no envio de pontos do BB Empresas – Apenas hoje!
A Smiles acaba de lançar uma promoção para seus associados, no qual oferece até 70% de bônus na transferência de pontos do BB Relaciona Empresas (PJ). Mas atenção: a oferta é por tempo limitado e válida apenas até às 23h59 de hoje, 18 de fevereiro. Confira todos os detalhes a seguir:...
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! Viaje nos feriados de Páscoa e Tiradentes por menos de 5.000 pontos LATAM Pass
Emita passagens com pontos LATAM Pass para viajar no feriado prolongado! Passagens Nacionais com Pontos LATAM Pass Está com aquele desejo de viajar mas tem poucos pontos no LATAM Pass? Não se preocupe, o programa tem trechos com pouquíssimos pontos, inclusive em datas concorridas como no feriado prolongado de Páscoa...
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! Resgate trechos para Amsterdã a partir de 108.300 milhas Smiles
No alerta de hoje, encontramos ótimas oportunidades para voar até Amsterdã, na Holanda! Um destino fascinante, com passagens a partir de 108.300 milhas Smiles + taxas voando com a KLM em voo direto. Selecionamos algumas das disponibilidade encontradas para você explorar a bela capital holandesa. Confira todos os detalhes a...
You Have Been Upgraded
Revolut senkt am Wochenende Wechselgebühren
Bei Revolut werden die Wechselgebühren billiger … Revolut Konto und Kreditkarte kennen einige wahrscheinlich vom Drehen von Cash…
Pontos pra Voar
Abra a sua conta Nomad e receba até 30.000 pontos Azul Fidelidade na primeira operação de câmbio
Está pensando em abrir a sua conta digital e economizar na sua próxima viagem internacional? A Nomad e o Azul Fidelidade estão com uma nova oferta, em que é possível ganhar até 30 mil pontos na primeira operação de câmbio de novas contas utilizando o cupom PPVAZULVIP. Vamos aos detalhes!...
Pontos pra Voar
GOL vende voos para Fernando de Noronha sem autorização
A GOL iniciou na última sexta-feira (15) a venda de passagens dos seus voos para Fernando de Noronha, mas sem autorização da Anac. A companhia foi notificada, pois ainda não tem permissão para operar a rota, embora o governo de Pernambuco esteja discutindo a retomada dos voos a jato para...
You Have Been Upgraded
REVIEW: Hyatt The Unbound Collection Il Tornabuoni Hotel Florenz – Suite
Meine Meinung zum Hyatt Il Tornabuoni Hotel in Florenz … Als Globalist und Hyatt Fanboy bekommt man mit…
Pontos pra Voar
Livelo e Fast Shop oferecem até 7 pontos por real gasto em compras no site
A Livelo e Fast Shop lançaram uma oferta especial para quem deseja acumular mais pontos! Nesta promoção, oferecem ao seus clientes até 7 pontos por real gasto, desde que sejam assinantes do Clube Livelo e do Fast Prime. A promoção é válida até 21 de fevereiro. Confira todos os detalhes...
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! Visite Minas Gerais a partir de 4.400 pontos Azul Fidelidade
Partiu Minas Gerais! Alerta de passagens PPV no ar, trazendo sugestões de resgate para você conhecer Minas Gerais, esse tesouro no coração do Brasil, com seus pontos Azul Fidelidade. Hoje, nossa equipe localizou opções saindo de 11 cidades de diversas regiões do Brasil, e o trecho mais barato encontrado foi...
Pontos pra Voar
LATAM aumenta número de voos para Bariloche durante temporada de neve
A LATAM decidiu ampliar a frequência de voos São Paulo – Bariloche durante a temporada de neve. A companhia aérea vai aumentar a oferta de seis para sete voos por semana – o voo extra será na quarta-feira. O objetivo é atender à demanda de brasileiros interessados no destino argentino...
Pontos pra Voar
Azul Fidelidade oferece 50% OFF na tarifa congelada
Está de precisando emitir uma passagem na Azul e não tem pontos suficientes? O Azul Fidelidade deu início a uma nova oferta, onde seus clientes conseguem 50% de desconto na taxa de congelamento de tarifas para voos nacionais e internacionais. Vamos aos detalhes! Congelamento de Tarifa O congelamento de tarifa...
Pontos pra Voar
Economia e conforto: hotéis em Belo Horizonte com diárias a partir de R$ 171
Planejando sua viagem para Belo Horizonte? Selecionamos as melhores opções de hospedagem da rede Accor, com diárias a partir de R$ 171 para os próximos meses. Garanta já a sua estadia com conforto e economia! Confira os detalhes agora! Melhores Hotéis Accor em Belo Horizonte A seguir você pode conferir...
Fly with Moxie
Manchester, England 여행기 – Part #1 맨체스터 가는 기차, Manchester Cathedral, Northern Quarter
2024년 10월에 다녀왔던 영국여행중에 에딘버러에서 런던으로 가는중에 하루 지냈던 맨체스터 여행기입니다. 영국 내에서 다닐때는 기차를 타고 이동했는데, 그래서 오늘 여행기에서는 '춘천가는 기~차'.... 가 아니고, 맨체스터 가는 기차에서부터 시작합니다.  맨체스터에 꼭 가야하는 일이 있었던건 아니였고요. 어차피 에딘버러에서 런던으로 이동을 하게되는 동선에서 갈 수 있는 가보면 좋을 큰 도시가 리버풀 아니면 맨체스터라고 생각했고...
Pontos pra Voar
Duelo de Gigantes! Qual é melhor? Santander Unlimited x BRB Dux
O duelo entre o Santander Unlimited e o BRB Dux destaca os principais benefícios e diferenças entre esses dois cartões de alta renda, analisando critérios como anuidade, regras de isenção, pontuação, acesso a salas VIP e cartões adicionais. No final, o Santander Unlimited leva a melhor por sua dupla oferta...
4 unserer beliebtesten, kaum bekannten Vorteile der Amex Gold Card
Solltest du aktuell überlegen, die American Express Gold Card zu beantragen, wirst du wahrscheinlich von dem großartigen Willkommensbonus… Weiterlesen 4 unserer beliebtesten, kaum bekannten Vorteile der Amex Gold Card by PointsMag.
Pontos pra Voar
Transfira pontos do Sicredi para o Azul Fidelidade com até 100% de bônus
O Azul Fidelidade, em mais uma promoção de transferência, está oferecendo até 100% de bônus no envio de pontos do Sicredi. Esta oferta é válida até amanhã, dia 19 de fevereiro, e você confere os detalhes na sequência. Bonificação Para esta campanha, a bonificação está estruturada da seguinte forma: Assinantes...
ATX Jetsetter
WestJet is Launching Flights Between Halifax and Amsterdam
WestJet is adding its fifth transatlantic route from Halifax, Nova Scotia with service to Amsterdam launching in May 2025. The post WestJet is Launching Flights Between Halifax and Amsterdam appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
Last Call: Buy Copa Airlines ConnectMiles with up to 45% Discount
Copa Airlines is a member of Star Alliance. Its frequent flyer program is decent for redeeming miles on Star Alliance airlines due to the fewer miles required than other airlines and low taxes. Now you can buy Copa Airlines Connect miles with up to 45% discount. Here is everything on...
Last Call: Buy Alaska Airlines Miles with 60% Bonus [1.85¢/Mile]
Alaska Airlines is a member of OneWorld Alliance. Its frequent flyer program, “Mileage Plan,” is one of the best among OneWorld airlines. You can transfer your credit card points via Marriott to your Alaska Airlines account. Recently, we saw promotion offer from Hawaiian Airlines with which you could have bought...
The Gate with Brian Cohen
Save Up to 50% at Select Iberostar Beachfront Resorts Through October 2026 With IHG One Rewards
You can enjoy some time relaxing at the beach and spend less money, as you can save up to 50% at select Iberostar Beachfront Resorts through October 2026 with IHG One Rewards at 24 participating resort properties in Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Brazil, and Aruba between Tuesday, April 1, 2025...
The Bulkhead Seat
IHG Hotels & Resorts Acquires Its 20th Brand: Ruby™
IHG Hotels & Resorts announced today that it has acquired the Ruby™ brand from… The post IHG Hotels & Resorts Acquires Its 20th Brand: Ruby™ appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Monkey Miles
Southwest Companion Pass Trial after a single roundtrip or 2 one-ways.
Flash promo on the Southwest Companion Pass - Buy 1 roundtrip or Two 1-ways and get 2 months of Companion Pass The post Southwest Companion Pass Trial after a single roundtrip or 2 one-ways. appeared first on Monkey Miles.
Points With a Crew
Capital One Venture Rewards Card Review (75K miles AND $250)
Learn how signing up for the Capital One Venture Rewards credit card can supercharge your travel with 75,000 miles, $250 AND benefits that include ...
Eye of the Flyer
Capital One Brings Back Promotion Worth (At Least) $1,000 in Travel
We saw this last summer and it just returned for what’s been a rather bleak winter: the Capital One promotion potentially worth $1,000 (or more) of travel is back! New Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card applicants can earn 75,000 bonus Miles after spending $4,000 on eligible purchases within three (3) months...
AIRPORTS: Sydney Airport slots manager changes — Qantas and Virgin Australia company booted
Qantas and Virgin Australia’s dominance over landing slots at Sydney Airport has been disrupted. A new incumbent has secured the government-led tender. New slot manager to take the reins The successful bidder, Airport Coordination Limited (ACL), has experience managing slot regimes at the world’s busiest airports. That includes places like...
Your Mileage May Vary
My Experience With The World’s Lightest Carry On Bag
When it comes to luggage allowances, U.S. airlines, despite all their problems, are better than a lot of airlines outside the country. With these few exceptions, your checked luggage for…
Frequent Miler
Southwest promo: Book by 2/20, fly twice by 3/31 & get Companion Pass 8/7-10/8
Southwest is back with another opportunity to earn a limited-time Companion Pass. You have to book by Thursday and fly twice by the end of March; if you do, you’ll earn a Companion Pass that’s valid for two months from early August to early October. This even works with flights...
ACCC: Latest domestic airline performance report — Virgin and Jetstar soar
According to the latest Australian Competition and Consumer Comisssion (ACCC) report, Virgin Australia and Jetstar had a cracker of a year in 2024. They experienced strong passenger growth continuing right through the Christmas period. Passengers by the numbers Compared to December 2023, Virgin Australia’s domestic passenger numbers jumped by 15.8%,...
The Bulkhead Seat
Frontier Airlines Adds 14 New Routes In Latest Announcement
Frontier Airlines seems to add more routes than just about any carrier. Today’s announcement… The post Frontier Airlines Adds 14 New Routes In Latest Announcement appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
View from the Wing
Southwest Airlines Ends 50 Years of ‘Heart’: Employees Say ‘This Company Will Never Recover’
The "heart" of Southwest Airlines died today, with the company's first layoffs in corporate history. They did these via videochat, not in person, banning everyone from headquarters. And the messaging isn't "we're in an existential fight for our lives" it's "we're not optimizing financial performance." Continue reading Southwest Airlines...
ATX Jetsetter
Southwest Airlines’ Easy Promotional Companion Pass Offer
Southwest Airlines is offering guests a promotional opportunity to earn two months of Companion Pass status by taking one roundtrip flight. The post Southwest Airlines’ Easy Promotional Companion Pass Offer appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
Points With a Crew
Kickstarter: Trendlox Smart Ring
Discover the Trendlox Smart Ring on Kickstarter, a next-gen wearable designed to enhance your health and fitness journey. Back this innovative project by March 21st and enjoy exclusive perks. Learn more about its unique features and how it can transform your lifestyle!
One Mile at a Time
Capital One Venture Card Bonus: 75K Miles + $250 Travel Credit
Link: Apply for the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card with 75K bonus miles + $250 to enjoy on Capital One Travel
Sky Skylar
Austin’s Top Airport Lounges for Frequent Flyers
I've been thoroughly fascinated by the world of airport lounges, and Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) ranks high on my list of interesting lounge ecosystems. Located just five miles from downtown Austin, AUS welcomes a steadily growing number of travelers each year. According to industry data, passenger traffic at AUS jumped...
One Mile at a Time
Great Deal: Southwest Companion Pass Promotional Offer
Southwest Airlines has just introduced an incredibly generous promotion. With this, you can earn a promotional Companion Pass after booking a single roundtrip ticket, and that could be a great deal.
Frequent Miler promo: Buy $100 gift card & get $10 gift card free with promo code BONUS25 is running a new promotion that’s giving a $10 Mastercard gift card free when buying a $100 gift card. The Deal Buy $100 Mastercard gift cards from and get $10 Mastercard gift cards free when using promo code BONUS25. Direct link to offer. Key Terms Expires February 28,...
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
Earn a companion pass after just one round trip or two one way Southwest flights (Book by Feb 20)
Southwest has brought back their flight bonus offer that provides a companion pass after just one round trip or two one way flights. The offer requires registration and flights must be booked by February 20 for travel completed by March 31, 2025. The companion pass that is awarded is valid...
Your Mileage May Vary
Surprising Discovery: Barclays Card Offers Transfers to Multiple Airlines
“What’s the most valuable travel point currency?” This question can cause a strong debate among points enthusiasts, as everyone can point to a specific use where a specific point has…
Live and Let’s Fly
What Is Really Going On At Southwest Airlines?
Southwest Airlines is preparing to layoff 1,750 employees as part of its latest effort to cut costs and juice profits. But what is really going on at Southwest? Is Elliott Investment Management maliciously pulling the strings or are these job cuts reasonable? Southwest Airlines Layoffs: First Time In Company History...
Miles To Memories
New Virgin Red Rewards Mastercard Bonus, Earn 60,000 Points
Virgin Red and Synchrony have launched a new welcome bonus on the Virgin Red Rewards Mastercard®. The post New Virgin Red Rewards Mastercard Bonus, Earn 60,000 Points appeared first on Miles to Memories.
View from the Wing
Southwest Airlines Promo: Take 2 Flights Now, Fly With A Companion For Free For 2 Months
This is a pretty good offer for Southwest and for customers. They'll give you a free companion to travel with you for about two months if you book just two one way flights right away (and use them for travel in the next six weeks). Continue reading Southwest Airlines Promo:...
View from the Wing
How Travel Portals Fail: The Brutal Truth Of Botched Reservations, Lost Refunds, And Endless Holds
Bilt Rewards Vice President Richard Kerr wrote up an in-depth explanation of travel portals. Bilt uses Expedia for members who want to redeem their points at 1.25 cents apiece towards paid travel, whether it’s hotel or airfare or other bookings. American Express, Chase, Citi, and others have travel portals and it’s...