Frequent Miler
PointsYeah: Free award searches and alerts (now with seat maps, hotels & more)
PointsYeah is one of my favorite award search tools. It’s fast and user friendly. It offers both flight and hotel searches, and alerts, across a wide selection of loyalty programs. And it does all of this for free. The paid version adds wider date ranges, multiple airports, and more alerts....
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
Virgin Australia Velocity: Earn 50% bonus points on Singapore Airlines flights
Virgin Australia Velocity is back with another partner flight bonus offer and this time it is for Singapore Airlines. The 50% bonus Velocity points offer: Earn 50% bonus Velocity Points on all eligible Singapore Airlines operated flights globally, where Velocity Points can normally be earned. Register and book by Feb...
Frequent Miler
Amex Blue Business Plus Credit Card Review (2025)
The Blue Business Plus card from American Express is an excellent business credit card that belongs in the pocket of just about any business owner who is a fan of American Express Membership Rewards. That’s because the card offers excellent return on spend and keeps Membership Rewards points alive and...
International Stories
东京:东京晴空塔 Sky Tree 景点门票、交通全攻略
东京晴空塔也叫天空树,高度634米,是世界第一高塔。登上塔顶可以俯瞰整个城市的天际线,在晴朗的日子里,视野可以 […]
2025年购买 Aeroplan 里程,加拿大航空官方里程促销活动汇总-2月28日前购买7折
加拿大航空属于星空联盟,很多在北美的朋友都喜欢用加航里程兑换各种航班。本页汇总了购买 Aeroplan 里程最 […]
日本旅游必备,Suica 西瓜卡电子卡购买、充值、使用方式 2025 版
在很多日本旅游攻略里,Suica 西瓜卡都是必备工具。Suica 是JR东日本发行的 IC 交通卡,可用于乘坐 […]
Riku Miley
みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記― クリスマス休暇にヨーロッパで鉄道旅行&ホテルホッピング | Emaさん旅行記
これからマイルを貯め始めたい方!どのようにすればマイルが貯まるか全てわかりやすく説明しているこちらの記事を参考にしてください。   バックグラウンド   他の人(私以外のブログ読者さん)のマイル&ポイントを実際に使ってした特典旅行の感想が聞きたい!と何人ものブログ読者さんからのリクエストで誕生した「簡単!質問に答えるだけで特典旅行の感想がシェアできる!みんなでマイル&ポイントを使ってした特典旅行の自慢しませんか?」 記事内にある質問に答えるだけで旅行記が書けてブログでシェアできるというスタイルです。 旅行記を提供して頂いた方には私からの感謝も込め「期間限定オファーページ」で紹介リンクを優先的に使わせてもらいたいと考えています。 私が教える超わかりやすい(←自分で言っちゃったw)オンラインコース受講者の旅行記は赤で表示しています☟ 過去のみんなの特典旅行記: みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―マイル&ポイントを使い気軽&快適にアメリカ国内旅行(UKAさん) みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記 – 2,000ドルの旅行をマイル&ポイントを使いほぼ無料に!Huskyさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記 –マイル&ポイントを使っての特典旅行は直前予約でも可能!GOOOOさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記ー豪華Crown Plazaで過ごしたKeywestバケーション!3,000ドル分をマイル&ポイントでカバー!Kenさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記ー技ありエアラインクレジット利用でサンフランシスコ&サンディエゴ旅行!百人隊長さん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記ーホテルポイントの最高の使い方オールインクルーシブ!YYさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記ーマイルで毎年日本里帰り!4年間連続で国際線チケット支払ってません!Rさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記ー2018年の年末に家族5人でハワイ特典旅行!ナナさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―ロードトリップでもポイントは大活躍!百人隊長さん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―日本一時帰国とカナダ旅行一緒に満喫!UKAさん旅行記2 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―しろくまさんエアラインマイルがあれば豪華旅行が可能! みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―さちさんアニバーサリーボーナス&ホテルプロモ活用で夏のピーク時に沖縄旅行! みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―DDさんが証明!特典旅行は超直前でも大丈夫! みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―何でも交渉可能!マイル&ポイントに交渉術を組み合わせれば怖いものなし!べいちゅーさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―家族5人でJAL往復チケットすべてマイルでカバー!べいぽすさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―マイルのパワーを見せつけるハワイ旅行!kikiさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―これが本当のマイルで節約!kkさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―クレジットカード1枚あれば特典旅行はできる!Kさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―特典旅行慣れて来ると簡単にカンクン旅行ができる!DDさん旅行記2 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―特典旅行が教えてくれた乗り継ぎの楽しみ方!べいぽすさん旅行記2 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―ANA世界一周特典旅行!百人隊長さん旅行記(サマリー、旅行記1、2,3) みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―超高級ホテルWaldorf Astoriaビバリーヒルズ無料宿泊!しろくまさん旅行記2 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―新しいクレジットカード申請の考え方!Blueさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―ワイキキのRitz-Carlton滞在で豪華家族旅行!オレゴニアンさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―憧れのコロラドでのスキー旅行は最高級Park Hyattで!YKさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―マイルはお得!サンフランシスコ&ハワイ旅行一気に楽しむ特典旅行!DDさん旅行記3 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―これぞマイル上級者の技!年末年始の人気観光地キーウエストも余裕で予約!UKAさん旅行記3 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―圧巻!モアイ像を近くでみる南米旅行!Royさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―新型コロナウイルスが落ち着きつつある今の旅行状況!(アメリカ⇔韓国)百人隊長さん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―マイル&ポイントがあれば世界中どこでも行ける!アフリカにも!まりあさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―ボラボラ旅行は本当にマイル&ポイントを使えばできる!トモ@LAさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―コロナで強制帰国!貯めててよかったマイル&ポイント | ABCさん旅行記 みんなのマイルを使った特典旅行記―コロナ渦中のアメリカホテルの状況...
Pontos pra Voar
Radar PPV! Resumo das promoções de acúmulo e transferência de pontos do dia 10 de fevereiro de 2025
A primeira edição do Radar PPV já está no ar! Confira todas as ofertas que nossa equipe encontrou nesta segunda-feira. A Livelo, em sua nova edição da promoção 10×1, está oferecendo até 10 pontos por real gasto em 50 parceiros. A Esfera, por sua vez, está oferecendo até 15 pontos...
Pontos pra Voar
Iberia aumenta frequência de voos para a América Latina e reforça operações para o Brasil
A Iberia anunciou recentemente um aumento significativo na frequência de voos para a América Latina, reforçando sua presença na região. A partir de 30 de março de 2025, a companhia aérea espanhola ampliará suas operações em diversas rotas, atendendo à crescente demanda por viagens entre a Europa e a América...
Pontos pra Voar
Transforme seu câmbio em vantagem: até US$ 40 de volta na Nomad
Não perca essa vantagem! Com a Conta Digital Nomad, você tem um cartão internacional aceito em 180 países, paga menos IOF e ainda recebe até US$ 40 de Cashback no câmbio. Abra sua conta agora com o código PONTOSPRAVOAR2025 e aproveite benefícios exclusivos para suas viagens! Confira os detalhes abaixo....
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! 8 opções de resgate por menos de 4.000 pontos Azul Fidelidade
Alerta de passagens PPV trazendo 8 sugestões de resgate por menos de 4.000 pontos Azul Fidelidade. Se você tem poucos pontos no programa da Azul, ou tem pontos a expirar, essa pode ser uma excelente oportunidade para fazer valerem seus pontos! Confira as sugestões que nossa equipe localizou nesta segunda-feira....
Pontos pra Voar
Shopping Smiles: Ganhe até 10 milhas por real gasto em produtos selecionados no Pontofrio
A Smiles está com uma nova campanha, onde você pode ganhar até 10 milhas por real gasto em produtos selecionados no Pontofrio. Essa promoção tem validade até amanhã, dia 11 de fevereiro. Confira abaixo todos os detalhes! Atenção: Conforme publicamos aqui, a GOL está em recuperação judicial. Leve isso em consideração ao...
Pontos pra Voar
Livelo oferece até 57% de desconto na compra de pontos para os assinantes do Clube
A Livelo está novamente com uma promoção de compra de pontos para assinantes do Clube Livelo, oferecendo até 57% de desconto dependendo do seu plano. A seguir iremos destacar os principais detalhes desta promoção, que tem validade até o final do dia de hoje, dia 10 de Fevereiro. Estrutura do...
Pontos pra Voar
Sismólogos advertem que o pior terremoto ainda está por vir na Grécia
Sismólogos advertem que o pior terremoto ainda está por vir na Grécia: a intensa atividade sísmica em Santorini pode piorar, com tremores de magnitude crescente, e a previsão é de que os tremores continuem por semanas. A ilha, um destino turístico popular, enfrenta evacuações enquanto autoridades preparam medidas de resgate....
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! LATAM Pass tem voos do Nordeste para a Europa a partir de 66.000 pontos!
Alerta de passagens PPV! Mais uma opção de voos diretos entre Brasil e Europa! Como noticiamos mais cedo, a LATAM lançou sua nova rota ligando Fortaleza à Lisboa, facilitando o acesso dos brasileiros a Portugal e outros destinos europeus. As passagens já estão à venda, e custam a partir de...
You Have Been Upgraded
REVIEW: Four Seasons Tunis – Premier Room
Meine Meinung zum Four Seasons Tunis … Tunis ist jetzt nicht wirklich mit internationalen Luxushotels gesegnet. Das Four…
Pontos pra Voar
Economia na viagem: 12 hotéis em São Paulo, Belo Horizonte e Rio com diárias a partir de R$ 160
Quer explorar hotéis baratos em São Paulo, Belo Horizonte ou Rio de Janeiro sem gastar muito? Aproveite o turismo e o lazer dessas cidades com hospedagens econômicas! Confira hotéis baratos e confortáveis com diárias a partir de R$ 160 para sua próxima viagem. Sugestões de Hotéis Baratos A seguir você...
Pontos pra Voar
Sala VIP Nubank Ultravioleta será inaugurada esta semana
Os clientes Nubank Ultravioleta já podem marcar na agenda: nesta quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro, a aguardada sala VIP Nubank Ultravioleta será oficialmente inaugurada no Terminal 3 do Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos (GRU), na área de embarque internacional. A novidade foi compartilhada pela cofundadora do Nubank, Cristina Junqueira, em seu perfil...
Pontos pra Voar
Por tempo limitado! Ingressos para os parques Walt Disney World Resort com até 7% OFF na Wanderlust Concierge
Está com viagem marcada para Flórida e ainda não adquiriu os seus ingressos? A Wanderlust Concierge está com uma oferta, onde oferece aos seus clientes até 7% de desconto na compra de ingressos para os parques Walt Disney World Resort! Aproveite, pois essa oferta é por tempo limitado! Detalhes da...
Pontos pra Voar
Esfera oferece até 15 pontos por real gasto em 4 parceiros
Quatro promoções da Esfera para você turbinar o acúmulo de pontos! Clientes podem ganhar até 15 pontos por real gasto em compras online. Confira os detalhes a seguir. Promoções Confira na tabela abaixo as promoções: Grupo de Promoções do PPV Nós temos um grupo pago no WhatsApp onde compartilhamos outras promoções...
You Have Been Upgraded
20 Avios pro Pfund bei Avios Hotels
Über Avios Hotels buchen und Avios sammeln … British Airways Executive Club hat gerade eine überaus nette Promotion…
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! Classe executiva da American Airlines para Miami a partir de 181.000 milhas Smiles
Quer viajar para Miami com conforto e praticidade? Nossa equipe encontrou uma ótima oportunidade em classe executiva! A Smiles está oferecendo passagens da American Airlines saindo do Rio de Janeiro ou São Paulo para Miami, a partir de 181.000 milhas, mais taxas. Corre, porque as passagens podem esgotar rápido! Exemplos de...
Fly with Moxie
베트남 다낭 여행기 2탄~ 다낭 노보텔 호텔 & 스파필드 귀족이발소 체험
러기지 잃어버려서 배낭 조촐하게 매고 베트남 다낭 노보텔 호텔 늦은 밤에 도착~ 혼자 씩씩하게 그랩택시 타고 잘 왔어요!  이미 남동생 가족들은 낮에 도착해서 시내 구경했다고 하더라구요~ 반겨주는 우리 귀여운 조카 ^^  호텔측에서 웰컴 선물로 장미꽃과 귀여운 핑쿠 케익도 준비해주셨어요~  아 물론 떠나기전 다낭에 머물 2군데 호텔측에...
Pontos pra Voar
LATAM lança rota conectando o Nordeste à Europa – passagens já estão à venda
A LATAM anunciou um novo voo direto entre Fortaleza e Lisboa, operando durante o período do verão europeu, marcando a primeira conexão direta do Nordeste com a Europa desde 2009. A rota terá frequência semanal, utilizando aeronaves Boeing 787. Nova Rota A LATAM Airlines acabou de anunciar uma nova rota...
Zentrale Lage mit atemberaubender Aussicht: ein Review des Hilton Saigon
Durch die zentrale Lage des Hilton Saigon sind alle Sehenswürdigkeiten Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadts bestens erreichbar. Die Zimmer sind modern, stylisch… Weiterlesen Zentrale Lage mit atemberaubender Aussicht: ein Review des Hilton Saigon by PointsMag.
Pontos pra Voar
Smiles oferece até 80% de bônus na transferência de pontos Esfera
A Smiles começou a semana com uma promoção exclusiva em parceria com a Esfera, em que oferece até 80% de bônus na transferência de pontos. Abaixo, veja os principais detalhes desta oferta válida até amanhã, dia 11 de fevereiro. Atenção: Conforme publicamos aqui, a GOL está em recuperação judicial. Leve isso em...
Pontos pra Voar
Transfira pontos do Itaú e Credicard para o LATAM Pass com até 35% de bônus
O LATAM Pass começou a semana com uma nova campanha, em que oferece aos seus associados até 35% de bônus na transferência de pontos do Itaú e Credicard. Esta oferta é válida até o dia 14 de fevereiro e você confere os detalhes na sequência. Bonificação Para esta campanha, a...
The Bulkhead Seat
Avianca Announces Two New Flights Between Chicago and San Salvador and Dallas and Bogotá
Avianca S.A. is the largest airline in Colombia. It has been the flag carrier… The post Avianca Announces Two New Flights Between Chicago and San Salvador and Dallas and Bogotá appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Monkey Miles
Don’t forget your February American Express statement credits
Several Amex cards have statement credits that need to be used each month, but also every 6 months. Here's a list to help you The post Don’t forget your February American Express statement credits appeared first on Monkey Miles.
Points With a Crew
Chase Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card Review – 90,000 Ultimate Rewards Points
The Chase Ink Business Preferred credit card is one of the best business credit cards out there, with a hefty welcome bonus, good earning and ...
The Gate with Brian Cohen
Winter Weather Affecting Central Plains and Mid-Atlantic Regions of the United States: February 2025 Travel Alert
Due to the latest weather systems, consider ensuring that you have alternate travel plans ready to be implemented because of winter weather affecting the Central Plains and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States February 2025. The following statement is currently posted at the official Internet web site of the National Weather...
Frequent Miler
$75 Uber credit with CLEAR enrollment
CLEAR and Uber have again sent out emails with an offer to earn $75 in Uber Credit by signing up for CLEAR using the promo code VDAY25. For those with 100% CLEAR reimbursement via the American Express Platinum, Amex Green, Hilton Aspire or Business Platinum cards, it amounts to getting...
View from the Wing
United Airlines Redeye Diverts To Denver As Four Passengers Pin Down Man Demanding, ‘Where Are The Mormons?’
A United Airlines passenger wound up restrained on board Sunday night’s redeye flight 1494 from San Francisco to Chicago O’Hare after this “big dude kept coming up the aisle towards the front of the plane” getting into “heated confrontations with the crew,” according to a passenger on board. At one...
Your Mileage May Vary
Traveling Through Memories: A Tribute to My Father
When I wrote my review of our travels in 2024, I mentioned that we traveled less than we had in 2022 and 2023. Aside from my quick stay in Las…
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
Vietnam Airlines Lotusmiles paid status match opportunity for 40+ non-SkyTeam airlines
Loyalty Status Co. continues to offer status matching to Vietnam Airlines Lotusmiles and it has been expanded to include more countries such as Canada and airline programs like WestJet Rewards. This is a good opportunity to get SkyTeam status, especially if you live outside of the countries that have been...
ATX Jetsetter
Delta Introduces Customizable Bag Tags for Medallion Members
Delta is introducing customizable bag tags for its Medallion frequent flyers this year which are made of metal instead of flimsy plastic. The post Delta Introduces Customizable Bag Tags for Medallion Members appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
Top 5 Car Rental Bonus Mile and Point offers for February 2025
Here are our Top Car Rental Bonuses for this month. Many of these offers go beyond this month so don’t count them out for rentals you need to book further down the road! Keep in mind sometimes the rates paid for some of these offers may cost more than other...
View from the Wing
Delta’s Exacting Appearance Test Filters Out Flight Attendants Who Fail Detailed Instructions
Delta made international headlines, having to tell candidates for flight attendant roles that they need to wear underwear when showing up for an interview. It turns out that the airline is doing a lot more judging by appearance at hiring events. Continue reading Delta’s Exacting Appearance Test Filters Out Flight...
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
FAA Reinstates ‘Notice to Airmen,’ Reversing Biden-Era Gender Neutral Terminology For Safety Update System
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced on Monday that it was reversing a Biden administration decision to change the name of an aviation safety publication system from ‘Notice to Airmen’ to ‘Notice to Air Mission.’ Commonly referred to as a NOTAM, the system is the primary method to provide updates...
Points With a Crew
Awesome Deal – 15% off IHG Award Sale (ENDS Wednesday)
IHG is out with a promotion where you can get 15% off select award bookings. This is a limited time offer that is only good if you book by February 12th (Wednesday), so you'll want to
Your Mileage May Vary
Need to Know & Afraid to Ask: Traveling With Hemorrhoids
There are certain health-related things that can happen when you’re on a plane that you may wish you knew more about but were kind of afraid to ask. I’ve had…
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
February 10 Bonus Offer Highlight: British Airways Club – Up to 550 Bonus Tier Points on all British Airways flights
Today’s bonus offer highlight is British Airways making moves to try to appease their tier members and tier chasers with an enhanced and extended bonus tier points on flights offer. Check out all of the new bonuses added today: The Bonus Offer Highlight: British Airways Club OFFER ENHANCED & EXTENDED...
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
United Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Diversion to Denver After Unruly Passenger Tries to Tackle Flight Attendant While Shouting About Mormons
A United Airlines flight heading from San Francisco to Chicago O’Hare on Sunday night was forced to make an emergency diversion after an unruly passenger tried to tackle a flight attendant while shouting “nonsensical” ramblings about Mormons. United flight UA1494 departed San Francisco (SFO) one minute early at 11:04 pm...
Sky Skylar
6 Key Insights on Icelandair’s Saga Premium
I've spent a significant part of my life immersed in the world of travel blogs and aviation news, gathering hundreds of perspectives on premium cabins around the globe. Icelandair's Saga Premium first caught my attention a few years back, and the concept remains fascinating: you get a business-class label at...
The Bulkhead Seat
Aer Lingus Rolls Out New Transatlantic Flight Enhancements Across Cabins
Aer Lingus announced today that it’s refreshing its onboard menus across cabins and debuting… The post Aer Lingus Rolls Out New Transatlantic Flight Enhancements Across Cabins appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
View from the Wing
FAA Confirms Aviation Chart Revisions: Gulf Of Mexico Now ‘Gulf Of America’, Mount McKinley Replaces Denali
The FAA has renamed the Gulf of Mexico the 'Gulf of America.' The agency's data and charts will show this name change, along with a change fom Denali to Mount McKinley. Continue reading FAA Confirms Aviation Chart Revisions: Gulf Of Mexico Now ‘Gulf Of America’, Mount McKinley Replaces Denali...
Miles To Memories
Get Full year of Peacock Premium for $29.99
Peacock has launched a new promotion, offering a big discount on its Peacock Premium annual subscription. The post Get Full year of Peacock Premium for $29.99 appeared first on Miles to Memories.
The Gate with Brian Cohen
Earn 500 Bonus Mileage Plan Miles by Shopping for Valentine’s Day 2025
Effective through Friday, February 14, 2025 at 11:59:59 in the evening Eastern Standard Time, you can earn 500 bonus Mileage Plan miles by shopping for Valentine’s Day — in addition to the standard Mileage Plan miles earned — during the Winter Bonus Offer campaign at the Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan...
The Bulkhead Seat
Promo: Earn Delta Medallion® Qualifying Dollars With Hotel Stays and Rental Cars
Delta ran this MQD promotion multiple times in 2024 and it’s now running again… The post Promo: Earn Delta Medallion® Qualifying Dollars With Hotel Stays and Rental Cars appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
View from the Wing
Inside the Award Seat Crisis: Air Canada On Dynamic Pricing Of Partner Awards As Too Many Miles Chase Too Few Seats
Airlines are at risk of killing their golden goose. Miles motivate customers, but customers need to be able to use their miles. Airlines have gotten better at selling their seats for cash, frequent flyer programs want to retain their margins, and so members get squeezed. As a...
My All-Time Favorite Aviation Movies.
Having recently gotten into watching a lot of aviation / airport movies, and I must say it’s getting… The post My All-Time Favorite Aviation Movies. appeared first on Wingtips.
Your Mileage May Vary
Wyndham Rewards Earner Business Card: Keep or Cut?
The annual fee for our Wyndham Rewards Earner Business Card recently came due. At $95 per year, I wanted to reflect on the past year and determine whether it’s worth…
Miles To Memories
Hyatt Will Acquire Playa Hotels & Resorts for $2.6 Billion
Hyatt Hotels today announced that Hyatt has entered into an agreement to acquire Playa Hotels & Resorts for $2.6 billion. The post Hyatt Will Acquire Playa Hotels & Resorts for $2.6 Billion appeared first on Miles to Memories.