Sky Skylar
Unlocking Exclusive Benefits with FoundersCard: Is It Worth the Investment?
In the rapidly evolving world of entrepreneurship and business leadership, connections and exclusive perks can significantly influence the trajectory of success and growth. Navigating this competitive landscape requires not just hard work but also access to resources and networks that open doors to new opportunities. One platform that has garnered...
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
SpaceX Scrubs Falcon 9 Rocket Launch With Just 11 Seconds To Go After Delta Air Jet Flies Into Restricted Airspace
SpaceX was forced to scrub the 27th launch of its Falcon 9 rocket with just 11 seconds to go on Sunday morning after a Delta Air Lines airplane reportedly flew into an area of restricted airspace close to the launch site. The launch was being broadcast live and was in...
Points With a Crew
15 Tech and Travel Deals at Amazon This Weekend
Some decent Amazon deals on travel and tech gear going on this weekend, including headphones, luggage, locks, packing cubes and supplies, travel books and ...
International Stories
Pontos pra Voar
Roma bate recorde de turismo e projeta crescimento em 2025
Roma bateu um novo recorde de turistas em 2024, recebendo 22,2 milhões de visitantes e registrando 51,4 milhões de pernoites, impulsionada por eventos culturais, esportivos e de moda. Com a expectativa de superar esses números em 2025, a cidade investe bilhões em infraestrutura e diversificação turística, impulsionada pelo Jubileu e...
Pontos pra Voar
Museu das Ilusões – Ótima opção para levar a criançada nas férias
O Museu das Ilusões, localizado no Shopping Eldorado em São Paulo, oferece uma experiência divertida e interativa, explorando ilusões óticas e fenômenos científicos de forma lúdica. Com ambientes incríveis e interativos, como o “efeito Monga” e painéis 3D, é uma ótima opção para levar a criançada nas férias. Museu das...
You Have Been Upgraded
REVIEW: British Airways Lounge Rom
Meine Meinung zur British Airways Lounge in Rom … Bei den Lounges der Airlines hat sich viel verändert…
Pontos pra Voar
Último dia! LATAM Pass oferece até 20 mil pontos bônus na adesão do Clube
Hoje é sua última chance de aproveitar a atual  promoção de adesão ao Clube LATAM Pass. Ao assinar, você ganha até 20 mil pontos bônus em novas assinaturas, distribuídos em três meses. Confira os detalhes abaixo. Mecânica da Bonificação Esta promoção de assinatura do Clube LATAM Pass está estruturada da...
You Have Been Upgraded
Der einfachste Status: Mit Status Match zwei Jahre Best Western Diamond Select kassieren
Der sehr offene Best Western Status Match … Best Western hat seit Ewigkeiten ein sehr großzügiges Status Match…
Pontos pra Voar
C6 Bank cria nova regra para isenção de anuidade do cartão C6 Black
O C6 Bank anunciou uma nova regra para isenção da anuidade do cartão C6 Mastercard Black. Agora, além da possibilidade de zerar a tarifa com gastos mensais a partir de R$ 5 mil, os clientes também podem obter anuidade grátis ao investir R$ 20 mil ou mais em produtos de...
Pontos pra Voar
Hotéis no Rio de Janeiro com diárias a partir de R$176
Hotéis no Rio de Janeiro! Está pensando em aproveitar suas férias na Cidade Maravilhosa? Aproveite essas oportunidades do ALL! Confira dicas de hospedagem com diárias a partir de R$ 176. Sugestão de Hotéis no Rio de Janeiro Aqui você encontra algumas sugestões de hotéis no Rio de Janeiro. E, dependendo...
Fly with Moxie
2025 최신 카드오퍼 모음
본 포스팅은 Fly with Moxie의 2025년 최신 카드오퍼 모음글입니다. (Ver. 2025-1) Fly with Moxie 제휴링크를 이용해서 카드 신청하는 방법: 본 포스팅에 있는 원하시는 카드의 신청링크를 누르고 들어가시면, 싸이트 내에 영문페이지로 이동합니다. 그 페이지에서 "Click Here To Apply" 버튼을 누르시면 제휴사 cardratings.com으로 넘어가면서 신청하시려는 카드가 올라옵니다. Apply Now 누르시고 신청하시면 됩니다.
JCB这个信用卡品牌在国内是很奇特的存在:一方面耳熟能详,在各种各样的小店门口都会贴着JCB的信用卡标识;另一 […]
逢星期一!全球酒店85折,疯抢85折Klook优惠码!预订全线酒店,单一消费满HK$1500享85折,最高减H […]
Pontos pra Voar
Último dia para aproveitar 120% de bônus na adesão ou upgrade do Clube Azul!
A comemoração do aniversário do Clube Azul está chegando ao fim! Hoje é o último dia para aproveitar a promoção e garantir 120% de bônus na adesão ou upgrade do Clube Azul na modalidade de pagamento anual. Abaixo, confira os detalhes de cada uma das ofertas. Aniversário Clube Azul Adesão...
Pontos pra Voar
Interior de São Paulo receberá maior toboágua do mundo
O interior de São Paulo receberá o maior toboágua do mundo, com 60 metros de altura, no Acqua Thermas Park, em Sorocaba, um parque aquático com investimentos de R$ 170 milhões e previsão de inauguração em 2026. O projeto promete atrair até 150 mil visitantes mensais, gerando empregos e impulsionando...
Klook x 玉山银行优惠码,全站商品92折起,每周三玉山卡友日最高折333
Klook 和玉山银行一直都有长期合作,会经常发布各类优惠码。最新的 Klook x 玉山银行优惠码包括酒店9 […]
Pontos pra Voar
Azul suspende voos para cidades do Piauí e mobiliza autoridades locais
A suspensão dos voos da Azul para São Raimundo Nonato e Parnaíba, no Piauí, levou a uma mobilização da bancada federal e do governo estadual, que buscam alternativas para minimizar os impactos no turismo e na economia local. A companhia alega que a decisão, válida a partir de 10 de...
策划旅行时,预订机票是一个非常重要的环节。很多朋友应该都有过这样的体验,手上有大把的航空里程,但打开航司官网, […]
凯悦活动:入住 Under Canvas 可获得双倍房晚,睡在星空下赚取双倍收益
Under Canvas 是美国的野奢露营酒店,在美国共有13处营地,并在2023年加入了史密斯夫妇,所以也参 […]
Klook x 台新银行优惠码,每周二FlyGo卡最高享24%优惠
Klook 和台新银行一直都有合作活动,会经常发布各类优惠码。最新的 Klook x 台新银行优惠码包括针对所 […]
酒店:预定度假时小心酒店刺客-度假费Resort Fee
前两天看到万豪被宾夕法尼亚州罚了22.5万美元,起因就是没有遵守关于酒店设施费和设施费用的披露。正好就趁着这个 […]
Riku Miley
大変ご無沙汰しております。元アメリカ駐在員のしろくまです。   長らくの間、陸さんブログへの投稿が滞っており失礼しております…   この度、一身上の都合により陸さんブログ投稿を卒業させて頂くこととなりました。   駐在時代にお声かけ頂いた陸さんは勿論のこと、いつもコメント頂いたり繋がって頂いた読者の皆さんに感謝の想いで一杯です。   そんな感謝の想いを最後の投稿でお伝えできればと思いますので、よろしくお願いします!   X(旧Twitter) 元アメリカ駐在員しろくまブログ   自ブログ立ち上げ アメリカ駐在中に自分のブログを始めたのが陸さんにお声かけを頂くきっかけになりました。   今思えば、日本語で会社以外の方と触れ合えるコミュニティ、言い換えれば「居場所」を求めていたのかな、と思います。   当時はアメリカのクレカや証券口座・株式投資にハマったのでそれを発信しようという目論見でしたが、その根本にあったのは、会社以外の日本人の方と繋がりたい、という潜在意識があったのかなと今になって思います。   ともすると会社依存が強くなりがちな駐在生活(オンもオフも会社の人と過ごしがち)。私はそういった部分から脱したい、別の居場所を求めていたのかもしれません。。。   陸さんブログ投稿開始 陸さんの読者投稿募集企画にスポット的に応募させて頂いたこと数回。   その後、直接陸さんブログへの投稿のオファーをいただきました。   当時から陸さんブログの大ファンだった私としては喜び舞い上がるようなお話でした。   一方で何かご迷惑をお掛けする様なことになってしまわないか、など色々と心配したのですが、陸さんは「駐在視点で自由に書いてもらって良いですよ」と私の不安を一掃いただきました。陸さんの懐の深さに感服したことを今でも鮮明に覚えています。   ブログ運営という観点でも非常に勉強させて頂きました。色々なことを常に考えられてそれを実行されている姿には恐れ入りました。   今では、ブログの枠を超えてオンラインサロンを立ち上げられ、積極的かつ継続的に読者の皆さんとコミュケーションされていて、本当に素晴らしい方だと思います。   陸さんには是非これからも多くの人を「幸せにする」活動を続けて行って頂きたいと心の底から思います。アイテムとして言えばクレカポイント・マイルという事だと思いますが、体現されていることは俯瞰的に言えば「繋がった方を幸せにする、一緒に幸せになる」ということだと思います。   私も同様の想い・考えはあるものの、到底そこまでのパワーも実力も持ち合わせておらず純粋に尊敬です。   現に多くの方がオンラインサロンに集まり、有料であっても人が集まり続けているというのがその証拠だと思います。     私にとってもアメリカ駐在という人生にとってのチャレンジの期間に彩りを与えて頂きました。それは私個人だけでなく、私の家族にとってもです。   ポイント・マイルを通して色々な場所にお得に行くことが出来ましたし、駐在中の思い出というのはその後の家族の記憶には深く刻まれるものです。   そういった意味では直接的、かつ間接的にも本当に多くの方の人生を幸せにしていると思います。   これからの陸さんの益々のご活躍を心より祈念しております!  ...
Pontos pra Voar
Brasil é eleito melhor destino de cruzeiros da América Latina
O Brasil foi eleito o melhor destino de cruzeiros da América Latina no World Cruise Awards 2024, com destaque também para o Píer Mauá, o cruzeiro fluvial e a R11 Travel. No cenário global, o Icon of the Seas, da Royal Caribbean, foi reconhecido como o melhor cruzeiro do mundo....
Pontos pra Voar
Conheça as principais tendências do turismo para 2025
O turismo está sempre em evolução, refletindo as mudanças nas preferências dos viajantes e as inovações do mundo. O relatório Unpack 2025, conduzido pelo Grupo Expedia, traz insights sobre as tendências do turismo em 2025 mostrando os destinos e comportamentos que moldarão o futuro das viagens. Tendências do Turismo em...
You Have Been Upgraded
Doch keine Electronic Travel Authorisation für UK Transit
Man kann auch ohne ETA durch London fliegen … UK rollt gerade ihre Variante einer Electronic Travel Authorisation…
Pontos pra Voar
Faça parte dos grupos gratuitos e silenciosos do Pontos pra Voar no WhatsApp e Telegram
Quer ficar por dentro de todas as novidades do Pontos pra Voar? Temos um canal no Telegram e grupos exclusivos no WhatsApp, onde apenas os administradores compartilham conteúdo. Assim, você acompanha todas as atualizações e recebe várias dicas úteis, sem ser bombardeado por figurinhas e GIFs. Grupos Silenciosos Nós também...
Pontos pra Voar
Turismo Sustentável – Como práticas de turismo podem salvar o Pantanal
O turismo sustentável, que alia preservação ambiental, valorização cultural e impacto econômico positivo, tem ganhado força no Brasil com exemplos como o Pantanal, onde práticas socioambientais de alto padrão impulsionam o desenvolvimento local. Empresas como a Vivalá lideram esse movimento, promovendo experiências autênticas e acessíveis que conectam viajantes a destinos...
ATX Jetsetter
Turkish Airlines is Launching Flights to Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP)
Turkish Airlines is preparing to launch flights between Istanbul and Minneapolis-St. Paul later this spring. The post Turkish Airlines is Launching Flights to Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
{Tech} for Travel
Get Ready for the First Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2025
Galaxy Unpacked 2025 is coming, and we can expect powerful AI upgrades and Samsung’s most advanced smartphones yet in the form of the latest S-Series. The post Get Ready for the First Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2025 appeared first on {Tech} for Travel.
View from the Wing
Another Dark Day For Pakistan Airlines: Pilots Land On Unauthorized Runway With Lights Off In Shocking Blunder
Pakistan International Airlines - arguably the worst airline in the world, known for sacrificing a goat as part of its maintenance procedures and flying with more passengers on board than seats, and pilots with fake licenses - is under scrutiny again after flight PK150 from Dammam, Saudi Arabia to Multan,...
No Work All Travel
Tokyo Luggage Storage Hack
Let’s say you’re at Tokyo Station, and you’ve got some time to tour around. You’re either coming from, or eventually heading to Narita Airport. There’s not quite enough time to snatch a hotel room, but too much to haul around your luggage in one of the world’s biggest cities. Maybe...
ATX Jetsetter
Sam’s Club is Selling Southwest Gift Cards for 10% Off
Sam's Club is selling Southwest Airlines gift cards for 10% off which could be a good deal in the right situation. The post Sam’s Club is Selling Southwest Gift Cards for 10% Off appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
Your Mileage May Vary
The Most Specific Sign Ever Seen at an Amex Centurion Lounge
Imagine having a long, hard day of travel after a decidedly sorrowful morning. You’ve driven from Central Nebraska, where you’ve just attended the funeral of a close relative, to Denver…
Find Your Alliance Elite Status Based on Your Airline Elite Status
There are three major alliances in the world. These alliances also have elite tiers, which help elite airline status holders get alliance-wide benefits. These benefits range from Priority Check-in, Boarding, Lounge Access, etc. So, if you have an airline status that belongs to an alliance and are travelling with another...
Miles To Memories
An Attractive Room, But: Ritz-Carlton DC Hotel Highlights
I expected a handsome room at the Ritz-Carlton DC Hotel downtown, but it came with a few unwelcome surprises. The post An Attractive Room, But: Ritz-Carlton DC Hotel Highlights appeared first on Miles to Memories.
One Mile at a Time
Turkish Airlines Plans Istanbul To Minneapolis Flights
Turkish Airlines is already a massive airline, flying to more countries than any other airline in the world. However, the company is just getting started, and has plans to roughly double in size over the next decade. Along those lines, we’ve just learned the details of the carrier’s next planned...
Live and Let’s Fly
Travel Influencers’ Future Uncertain Despite TikTok Stay Of Execution
Travel influencers on TikTok are scrambling to move their content and lifestyle to other brands but their futures are uncertain and that matters for travelers and suppliers.  If you are considering booking travel appreciates your support. If you haven’t followed us on Facebook or Instagram, add us today. Matthew wrote yesterday about the TikTok...
One Mile at a Time
Star Alliance Airport Lounge Access Explained
One of the great things about the ”big three” global airline alliances is that they offer reciprocal lounge access for travelers. In this post, I want to take a closer look at the Star Alliance’s lounge access policy for travelers, as understanding the nuances of airport lounge access can be...
Your Mileage May Vary
Long-Haul Business Class Dilemma: 2 Window Seats, Window/Middle, or 2 Middles?
Ah, the joys of flying in business class—a rare treat for my wife Sharon and me. But even with all the perks and luxury, there’s one decision we can’t avoid:…
The Bulkhead Seat
Turkish Airlines Is Adding Flights to Minneapolis and Aukland
Turkish Airlines is planning to expand its route network even further with two new… The post Turkish Airlines Is Adding Flights to Minneapolis and Aukland appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
One Mile at a Time
World Of Hyatt Mr & Mrs Smith Partnership: How It Works
In 2023, Hyatt acquired luxury hotel booking platform Mr & Mrs Smith for 53 million, and in 2024, we saw Mr & Mrs Smith integrated into the World of Hyatt program. We’ve increasingly seen the major hotel groups almost become online travel agencies of sorts, whereby they try to take...
Economy Class & Beyond
Northern Trains gears up for a fleet upgrade
Northern Trains has been busy in the background, as it edges forward to a fleet renewal programme. Northern Trains CAF Class 195 Civity at Manchester Piccadilly – Image, Economy Class and Beyond The renewal programme could over up to 450 new trains. In the mix to offer new trains –...
Points With a Crew
Le Meridien Boston / Cambridge hotel review
I recently returned from a long weekend in the Boston / Cambridge area and had a chance to stay at the Le Meridien Boston / Cambridge. Here is my Le Meridien Boston / Cambridge hotel review, including info on wifi, food, rooms, amenities, cost and more
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Couple Narrowly Avoided ‘Devastating’ Injuries After Watermelon Sized Block of Ice That Fell From JetBlue Plane And Crashed Through Their Bedroom Ceiling
A couple narrowly avoided ‘devastating physical injury’ after a watermelon-sized chunk of ice fell from a JetBlue plane as it was coming into land at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and crashed through their bedroom ceiling just inches from their heads as they were sleeping. The couple bought their dream...
Sky Skylar
Experience Ultimate Luxury on the Norwegian Encore Cruise Ship
Embark on an unforgettable journey aboard the Norwegian Encore, Norwegian Cruise Line's crown jewel that redefines cruising with its blend of luxury, adventure, and innovation. As you step onto the ship, you'll be welcomed into a world where every detail is designed to delight. Whether you're seeking thrilling activities that...
View from the Wing
‘We Don’t Take Personal Garbage’: American Airlines Flight Attendants Spend 2.5 Hours Kicking Pizza Box Down Aisle
Flying American Airlines from Miami to Chicago, cabin crew refused to take a box from food the passenger brought on board themselves, and according to the passenger, they responded "We don't throw away your personal garbage." So the passenger placed the box in the aisle and he says...
Live and Let’s Fly
Spirit Airlines Might Not Be Able To Wait Out Trump Solution
Spirit Airlines bankruptcy took a turn for the worse this week. President-elect Trump’s prior administration was friendlier to airline tie-ups but can Spirit wait out a solution? If you are considering booking travel appreciates your support. If you haven’t followed us on Facebook or Instagram, add us today. Spirit Airlines’ Bankruptcy Last fall, Spirit...
The Bulkhead Seat
Hotel Review: Hyatt Regency New Brunswick
After spending a few nights in New York City at the Hyatt Union Square… The post Hotel Review: Hyatt Regency New Brunswick appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Navigating Britain’s Railway Network: The Ultimate Guide
Looking to travel by train in Britain? Find out everything you need to know here!
The Takeoff Nap
Fly Backwards to the Future: Airlines Offer Carbon Negative Flights
In a whimsical twist on tackling climate change, major airlines have introduced "Carbon Negative" seats—by literally flying planes in reverse! This satirical piece dives into the delightful absurdity of backward flights, where passengers watch movies from credits to opening scene, pilots reinvent the moonwalk at 35,000 feet, and frequent flyers...
View from the Wing
Trump Administration Replaces White House Badges With Employee Gold And Platinum Elite Status [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips. Continue reading Trump Administration Replaces White House Badges With Employee Gold And Platinum Elite Status [Roundup]...
The Gate with Brian Cohen
A Glimpse of Greenland From The Air. Sunday Morning Photograph.
I have never been to Greenland; but I have flown over it many times as a passenger aboard airplanes — so I had the opportunity to take some photographs of a glimpse of Greenland from the air on my way from... The post A Glimpse of Greenland From The Air. Sunday...
Wild About Travel
Dreaming Differently- Czech Airlines in a Parallel World
In the 2000s, I loved seeing the OK tails of CSA Czech Airlines at airports around the world. I never actually flew them, but I wish I had. On Friday, I wrote about the airlines we lost in 2024. One of the most prominent was Czech Airlines’. As the fifth-oldest...