Fly with Moxie
베트남 다낭 여행기 5탄- 인터컨티넨탈 다낭 리조트 입성기~
베트남 다낭 도착 4일차~ 다낭 노보텔 호텔 체크 아웃후 드디어 고대하고 기대하던 세계 최고의 럭셔리 리조트 인터컨티넨탈 다낭 선 페닌술라 호텔로 ~ 비가 부슬부슬 와서 제발 비야 그쳐라 했는데 결국 비가 오는 바람에 호텔측에서 이메일이 왔는데  산 입구에서 택시는 못 올라가고  호텔측에서 셔틀을 보내줄테니  셔틀...
Fly with Moxie
2024년 여름 Maui 마우이 여행후기
드디어 마우이 여행 후기를 씁니다. (3개 숙박 호텔 후기 > 여행후기 > 호텔비교), 다녀온지 이틀도 안되었는데요, 후기 쓰고 싶을 만큼 너무 기억에 많이 남고, 또 갈 생각을 오는 내내 계속해서 돌아왔습니다. 개인적으로도 필요하고, 또 다녀오실분들 위해서도 함께 나눕니다.
Fly with Moxie
베트남 다낭 여행기 4탄- 호이안 올드타운으로 떠나자~
베트남 다낭 3일차~  베트남 호이안 올드타운 구경하기! 다행히 비가 개어서 호이안올드타운으로 입성할수 있어서 다행이었어요~ 호이안 올드타운은 다낭시내에서 1 시간  좀 넘게 떨어진곳으로 15세기 이래 동서양 문화가 공존하는곳으로 유네스코 세계 문화 유산에 등재되어있다고 합니다~ 소원배타고 소원촛불을 강가에 띄우는곳으로 유명하기도 하고 베트남 전통 의상인 아오자이를 입고 사진...
Fly with Moxie
베트남 다낭 여행기 3탄 – 로컬체험기- 미슐랭 맛집 ” 안토이”, 다낭 한시장 쇼핑, 로컬 반미 맛집, 콩스파
베트남 다낭 여행기 3탄 – 로컬 체험! 미리미리 다낭 도깨비 카페에서 공부해서 찾은 로컬 식당 미슐랭 맛집, ” 안토이” 에서 저녁을 먹기로~ 예약 안받아 5시즘 일찍 갔더니 사람이 다행히 많지 않았어요. 평소에는 엄청 줄서서 기다리는 유명 맛집! 외관이 이렇게 노란 색, 베트남은 노랑색 지붕 외관이...
Also on BoardingArea
Your Mileage May Vary
The Hero Flight Attendant Who Tells It Like It Is
Flight attendants have a tough, TOUGH job. Their most important reason for being there is to tell us what to do and to keep us safe in the event of…
One Mile at a Time
Hilton Aspire Card Diamond Status: How It Works
The Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card (review) is Hilton’s most premium co-branded credit card, and there are all kinds of reasons to consider picking it up.
View from the Wing
Trapped In Rural Canada: How United Airlines Newark – Dublin Passengers Were Left Stranded For Days Following Medical Divers
United Airlines flight 23 from Newark to Dublin diverted to St. Johns, Newfoundland with a medical emergency on Thursday. Passengers are still stuck there days later, with little hope in sight and no plan to fly out today. Continue reading Trapped In Rural Canada: How United Airlines Newark –...
The Bulkhead Seat
Southwest’s Redeye Flights Took Off This Week For the First Time In Its History
As I wrote about back in July 2024, Southwest has added redeye flights. This… The post Southwest’s Redeye Flights Took Off This Week For the First Time In Its History appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Frequent Miler
(Update: Some cancellations) $75 Uber credit with CLEAR enrollment
Update 2/15/25: Doctor of Credit is reporting that some members who signed up for this CLEAR promotion are having their memberships cancelled without notice. According to what they’ve written, it sounds like CLEAR is cancelling on people who signed up with a credit card that reimburses the cost of membership,...
Live and Let’s Fly
Qantas First Class Breakfast: Then And Now
I shared some highlights from my Qantas flight from Sydney to Los Angeles flight (full review here), but I thought it would be fun here to compare my first Qantas First Class breakfast from 2015 with the breakfast I just enjoyed. The Dependable Qantas First Class Breakfast In 2015,  I...
View from the Wing
Inside The American Airlines Premium Pivot: Deep Dive Into The Challenges Ahead And Blueprint For Success
For years I've written that American Airlines has high costs, and can't win with a strategy of aping Spirit and Frontier (despite that having been Isom's focus while President of the airline). Over the past three years they've been focused primarily on costs when they largely have a revenue...
One Mile at a Time
How To Access Delta Sky Clubs: Complete Guide
Every airline has a different approach when it comes to offering lounge access, though Delta is in a whole different league when it comes to discouraging memberships and day passes, and rather focusing on offering lounge access through credit cards. The Atlanta-based airline also has the most restrictive policies in...
One Mile at a Time
How To Access Delta Sky Clubs: Complete Guide
Every airline has a different approach when it comes to offering lounge access, though Delta is in a whole different league when it comes to discouraging memberships and day passes, and rather focusing on offering lounge access through credit cards. The Atlanta-based airline also has the most restrictive policies in...
View from the Wing
JetBlue Or Breeze: Southwest Airlines Acquisition Speculation Fueled By Flight Attendant Union Leader After Executive Board Meeting
Southwest Airlines flight attendants union board member Chris Click just came out of an executive board meeting and took to social media, fueling speculation that the carrier could be close to announcing a deal to acquire another airline. Continue reading JetBlue Or Breeze: Southwest Airlines Acquisition Speculation Fueled By Flight Attendant...
Travel Points Playbook
One Card, One Trip: New Orleans
In this edition I am looking at a destination that is one of our personal favorites for a long weekend getaway; New Orleans, Louisiana.  Laissez le bon temps rouler (let the good times roll)!
Eye of the Flyer
Order Delta Metal Bag Tags, a Southwest Companion Promotion, First Class Fast Food, and Cruise Questions
If you haven’t been on vacation in a while, perhaps now is a good time to at least read up on some travel-related topics. And maybe look into a certain Southwest Airlines promotion that could save you and a companion a lot of money during the next year. Here’s what we...
Frequent Miler
Finding hidden wins, a great hotel award search tool, and more [Week in Review]
Almost 30 years ago, the Sunscreen Song (or really Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich) taught to “accept certain inalienable truths”, among them the fact that “prices will rise”. That is unfortunately just what happened this week for some awards booked through Avianca Lifemiles. Thankfully, the Broadway musical Spamalot subsequently taught me...
Live and Let’s Fly
Southwest Airlines Launches Redeye Flights
As of Thursday, February 13, 2025, Southwest Airlines has launched redeye lights. Through 2017, Southwest used a system that had to be reset each night, forcing all flights to land by 11:00 PM PT. Southwest now uses Amadeus and its recently-signed contracts with both pilots and flight attendants now allow...
One Mile at a Time
Review: American Airlines First Class Boeing 777 (LHR-MIA)
For the last segment of my quick trip to Paris and Cairo, I flew American Airlines’ Boeing 777-300ER first class on the nine hour flight from London (LHR) to Miami (MIA). We know that American’s international first class is on the way out, as the airline will soon reconfigure its 777-300ERs,...
View from the Wing
Alaska Airlines Begins Rolling Out Multi-Partner Award Tickets
When Alaska rolled out a new distance-based award chart that covered all of their partners and all regions of the world, they said they would introduce the ability to combine different partner airlines on a single award ticket redemption. That's something they had teased since joining oneworld and again...
Remembering Korea’s Short-Lived Boutique LCC: Seoul to Gwangju on an Air Philip Embraer 145
Join me as I fly onboard Air Philip, a little known Korean carrier that lasted no more than a few months.
One Mile at a Time
Transfer Chase Points To Marriott Bonvoy With 50% Bonus
Chase Ultimate Rewards has just launched its latest transfer bonus. It’s not the most exciting offer on earth, though perhaps for some there might be value with it?
Live from a Lounge
ICICI Bank launches iShop (offering accelerated rewards on Travel and Shopping Vouchers)
ICICI Bank has launched a new engagement portal which provides accelerated rewards for the customers of the bank, when they go through the Bank's new engagement portal. The post ICICI Bank launches iShop (offering accelerated rewards on Travel and Shopping Vouchers) appeared first on Live From A Lounge.
Flying Blue Increased Award Availability
Last month, Flying Blue was devalued. The mileage increase was moderate. At the same time, it was confirmed that there would be increased award availability at the Saver Level. It appears the same is happening. I checked the India-Amsterdam/Paris mileage requirement using Seats Aero and saw multiple days on which...
Points With a Crew
Delta SkyMiles® Gold Business American Express Review – Rack Up SkyMiles With New Higher Offer
KEY LINK: Delta SkyMiles® Gold Business American Express Card – Earn 90,000 bonus miles after you spend $6,000 in purchases on your new card in your first 6 months of card membership. $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then $150 (see rates and fees ) I’ve often said that...
The Bulkhead Seat
Hotel Review: The Adolphus, Autograph Collection
I had to be in Dallas for a business dinner and needed a hotel… The post Hotel Review: The Adolphus, Autograph Collection appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
The Gate with Brian Cohen
$25 For a Bottle of Water. Or $90. Or Perhaps Even More in Las Vegas.
You do not need to gamble your money to be a high roller in Las Vegas. All you need to do is pay $25 for a bottle of water. Or $90. Or perhaps even more money in Las Vegas when all taxes and fees are included in the total cost...
Frequent Miler
Uber adding 1.5% charge to rides abroad – here’s how to avoid overpaying
Uber recently sent out a notice to its customers saying that it’s default settings had changed. Now, it would begin automatically opting people into the service’s “Preferred Currency Pricing:” Starting February 27, 2025, Preferred Currency Pricing (formerly Home Currency Pricing) will automatically show prices in your home currency when you...
Fly with Moxie
Innsbruck 인스부르크
  Innsbruck 인스부르크는 오스트리아의 지역이고, 서쪽 지역에 있습니다. 비엔나 수도(4시간)보다, 뮌헨(2시간)에서 더 가깝고, 스위스가 더 가깝습니다. 아래 지도를 참조하시면요, 룩셈부르크가 바로 옆(서쪽)에 있습니다.   아래에 설명드리는 장소에 대한, 구글맵 링크를 공유해 드립니다. 한곳에서 보실수 있습니다.   저는 차로 innsbruck 방문을 했습니다. 기차로 오시거나, 숙박을...
Fly with Moxie
베트남 다낭 여행기 2탄~ 다낭 노보텔 호텔 & 스파필드 귀족이발소 체험
러기지 잃어버려서 배낭 조촐하게 매고 베트남 다낭 노보텔 호텔 늦은 밤에 도착~ 혼자 씩씩하게 그랩택시 타고 잘 왔어요!  이미 남동생 가족들은 낮에 도착해서 시내 구경했다고 하더라구요~ 반겨주는 우리 귀여운 조카 ^^  호텔측에서 웰컴 선물로 장미꽃과 귀여운 핑쿠 케익도 준비해주셨어요~  아 물론 떠나기전 다낭에 머물 2군데 호텔측에...
Fly with Moxie
베트남 다낭 여행기 1탄 – LAX-ICN-DANANG 아시아나 비즈 타고~
한국가는길에 동남아 들려 여행하는게 요새 최근 여행의 루틴이 되었습니다.  태국 방문이후 어디를 갈까 하다 경기도 다낭시라 불리우는 베트남 다낭으로 가기로 가족들과 합의를 봤어요~ 동생네 가족들은 한국에서 출발, 저는  먼 미국에서 출발.. 아시아나 비즈타고 떠나는 LAX- DANANG여행기 시작합니다!   아시아나 비즈 라운지 LAX– 먹을것도 별로 없고.....
Fly with Moxie
인터컨티넬탈 비엔나 (InterContinental Wien)
IHG포인트로 가기에는 좀 오래되고, 위치도 구도심에서 살짝 비켜 있는데요, 감사하게 Amex Plat FHR이 가능합니다. 저는 좀 일찍 예약해서, 240불 정도에 방2개를 했습니다. 크레딧 200받고, 투숙을 했는데요, 어른2아이1씩 방에 들어갔구요. 유럽답게, 묻따 없이, 조식 다 무료, 95유로 크레딧을 받았습니다. 크레딧을 열심히 쓰려고, 호텔 라운지에, 비엔나 커피, 애플스투델 시켜먹고, 조식 먹자마자 룸서비스로 샌드위치...
Fly with Moxie
엄마와 함께 떠나는 모녀 여행기 3탄- 교토 저렴이 료칸 (유모토칸) VS 하코네 고렴이 료칸 (카이 센 고쿠하라) 비교체험
3탄 교토(가성비) vs 하코네 (최고급) 료칸 체험 비교 나갑니다~ 1)유모토칸 교토역 15-20분 지하철 타고 오고토 온센역에서 하차, 나가서 공중전화박스에 다이얼 누르고 셔틀 요청하면 료칸- 오고토온센역까지 무료 셔틀 제공함.  오고토온센역 나갔더니 이미 한국사람들이 몇팀 와있고 이미 셔틀 요청해서 기다리고 있었음 5분정도 있으니 셔틀 도착함.  유툽과 블로그에 교토 가성비 온천이 있다고해서 찾아간 곳 !
Fly with Moxie
스위스 취리히 하얏플레이스
취리히 하얏 플레이스는, 스위스 취리히 공항 바로 앞에 새로생긴 몰에 위치 하고 있습니다. 유럽은 미국과는 달리, 공항에 철도역, 버스터미날 등이 다 위치해 있습니다. 그래서 교통이 편합니다. 마일이나 포인트로 예약가능한 브랜드 호텔중에서 여기가 가장 최신이고, 또 마성비가 가장 좋습니다. 참고로 힐튼 계열은 1박에 10만이 넘습니다. 그리고 공항권도 아니고, 다운타운권도 아닙니다. 거기에 비하면 하얏플레이스는 생긴지...
Fly with Moxie
엄마와 함께 떠나는 모녀 여행기 2탄 교토- ” 모토이 ” 프렌치 미슐랭 코스 요리, “토키사이 교우만” 장어 코스 요리집 방문
우당탕탕 모녀 여행기 2탄 ~  교토 도착 후 시내 도보 근교 걸어다닐수있는 그랜드 바흐 셀렉트 호텔에 3박 묵었습니다. 거기서 첫날 아라시야마 지하철 타고 갔다오고, 다음날은 청수사 택시타고 갔다오고 드디어 셋째날은 미리 몇달 전 부터 예약한 고급 레스토랑 후기입니다.
Fly with Moxie
[두바이 호텔] 가족과 다녀온 두바이의 라피타 두바이 Lapita, Dubai Parks and Resorts, Autograph Collection
저는 주로 두바이에 일로 오기 때문에 잠만 잘수 있는 호텔(주로 엘레먼트)에만 묵다가, 이번 설을 두바이에서 보내게되어, 가족들이 나중에 합류하여 함께 갈 리조트를 찾다가, 찾게된 라피타 두바이 파크 앤 리조트! 소개해 봅니다.