Your Mileage May Vary
Airbus or Boeing? How to Quickly Tell the Difference
Those of you who are aviation geeks just amaze me. I mean, you can just glance at a plane and know what it is. Me? I’m lucky if I can…
Economy Class & Beyond
Last Week at Economy Class and Beyond (16th May)
It’s the end of another week, where I’ve discovered I hate lifting crates, filling them and everything to do with office moves. And it’s still following me. It must be time for Last Week at Economy Class and Beyond.  We’re all pawns, no matter how we play a game of chess. ...
View from the Wing
Review: Chase Sapphire Lounge, Washington Dulles Airport
The Chase Sapphire lounge is small, but I was there in the morning - from around 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. it wasn't super busy and there was plenty of available space. The lounge is well laid-out, food is good, and staff are friendly. The exterior of the...
International Stories
The Travelers Club
World of Hyatt et SLH : la fin d’une ère
Depuis 2018, l’alliance entre Hyatt et SLH permettait aux membres du programme de fidélité World of Hyatt de cumuler et d’utiliser des points dans les hôtels du réseau en passant par les canaux de réservation Hyatt. Cependant, depuis le 15 mai 2024, cette collaboration est terminée, laissant les membres face...
Voyage Avance
エールフランス航空(AF)は、オテル・ド・クリヨン(Hôtel de Crillon)(ローズウッド・ホテルグループ)のヘッド・ソムリエ、グザヴィエ・トゥイザ(Xavier Thuizat)氏を、今後、機内と空港ラウンジ...
Pontos pra Voar
Ainda não faz parte? Entre para nossos grupos gratuitos e silenciosos no WhatsApp ou no Telegram
Nõa me diga que você ainda não está conosco? Vamos mudar isso? O Pontos pra Voar tem um canal no Telegram e grupos no WhatsApp onde apenas os administradores postam conteúdo, com isso você não é inundado com comentários e figurinhas sem fim! Nós também compartilhamos, além do conteúdo que...
You Have Been Upgraded
Im Juni lädt Swiss Statuskunden auf ein Getränk ein
Swiss hat sich für den Sommerbeginn was überlegt … Im Juni gibt es für Statuskunden (Senator und HON…
Pontos pra Voar
Olha o precinho! GOL tem passagens a partir de R$ 132
Olha o precinho! Ao longo do fim de semana a GOL tem passagens nacionais a partir de R$ 132, já com taxas inclusas, para viagens nos próximos meses. Vamos conferir os detalhes? Atenção: Conforme publicamos aqui, a GOL está em recuperação judicial. Leve isso em consideração ao decidir viajar com a empresa...
Pontos pra Voar
Aeroporto de Changi adota filas automatizadas na imigração para todos os visitantes que chegam em Singapura
A Autoridade de Imigração e Ponto de Verificação de Singapura (ICA) anunciou uma novidade que vai facilitar a vida dos visitantes estrangeiros que chegam ao país. A partir de agora, no Aeroporto de Changi, todos os visitantes estrangeiros que chegarem a Singapura poderão utilizar as filas automatizadas para a imigração,...
Pontos pra Voar
Aproveita o combo! Passagens aéreas e hotéis em São Paulo em promoção
Verdade seja dita, conseguir bilhetes aéreos e hotéis com desconto é o melhor dos mundos, certo? Se você está planejando viajar para São Paulo nos próximos meses, vale a pena conferir a promoção atual da Accor que tem hotéis a partir de R$ 159 e combinar com passagens da LATAM...
You Have Been Upgraded
Diese 30 Vorteile einer American Express Platinum solltest du nutzen
Die Amex Platinum Karte mit vielen wertvollen Features … Die American Express Platinum ist mit 60 Euro pro…
You Have Been Upgraded
DEAL: Turkish Business Sarajevo – Dubai (Return): 1.070 Euro
Mit der Turkish Business von Sarajevo nach Dubai … Turkish Airways hat weiterhin einen ganz passablen Business Deal…
Pontos pra Voar
Verão na Europa com a Accor! Reserve hotéis em Portugal com até 35% de desconto – Diárias partir de R$ 353
A promoção de verão da Accor para a Europa está no ar, oferecendo até 35% de desconto nas diárias em hotéis selecionados, para hospedagens a partir de 3 noites. Neste artigo mostramos alguns hotéis Accor em Portugal com diárias a partir de R$ 353. Estrutura do Desconto O desconto da...
Pontos pra Voar
Segue valendo! Assine o Clube 1.000 da Smiles e ganhe até 14 mil milhas na hora – Milheiro a partir de R$ 11,94
A Smiles segue com a sua ação promocional, na qual oferece a seus clientes até 14 mil milhas na hora em novas adesões ao Clube 1.000. Veja na sequência os principais detalhes. Milhas Turbinadas As milhas turbinadas estão estruturadas da seguinte maneira: Clube 1.000 mensal –  Ao assinar, o cliente...
Pontos pra Voar
Novas regras de visitação em Machu Picchu – Aumento de capacidade e mudanças nos circuitos
O Ministério da Cultura do Peru implementou uma série de mudanças na visitação de Machu Picchu, em resposta ao aumento da demanda durante a alta temporada. As novas regras estarão vigentes de 1º de junho a 15 de outubro de 2024. A primeira alteração significativa é o aumento do número...
Fly with Moxie
Andaz Savannah Hotel Review – Andaz Suite
얼마전에 South Carolina Hilton Head Island에 잠시 다녀오면서, 사바나에 있는 Andaz Savannah Hotel에 다녀올 수 있었습니다. (Savannah는 Georgia주에 있고 Georgia 주는 미국에 있습니다.) 힐튼헤드 섬에는 하얏 프로퍼티가 하나도 없고, 검색해보면 가장 가까운 하얏 프로퍼티가 주경계선을 넘어서 한시간정도 떨어진 사바나에 있어요. 아틀란타에서 힐튼헤드를 가려면 어차피 사바나를 지나서 가야하는거라서 첫 1박을 지내는곳으로 결정했고요. 하루...
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de Passagens PPV! Confira algumas ideias emissões que podem ser feitas com até 108 mil milhas Smiles
Smiles e Casas Bahia estão com uma ação promocional de acúmulo turbinado de milhas, onde é possível acumular até 108 mil milhas. Confira neste artigo alguns exemplos de resgates de passagens com a Smiles. Atenção: Conforme publicamos aqui, a GOL está em recuperação judicial. Leve isso em consideração ao decidir se continuará acumulando milhas na...
Pontos pra Voar
Smiles e Casas Bahia oferecem até 10 milhas por real gasto em compras online – Acumule até 108 mil milhas
A Smiles está oferecendo a seus clientes até 10 milhas por real gasto nas Casas Bahia, incluindo iPhones. Nesta promoção é possível acumular até 108 mil milhas, confira abaixo. Atenção: Conforme publicamos aqui, a GOL está em recuperação judicial. Leve isso em consideração ao decidir se continuará acumulando milhas na Smiles durante...
Business Class Hin- und Rückflüge von Wien nach Indien ab 1.400€
Air India schließt sich der Liste von Airlines an, die mit großzügigen Rabatten und Sales für Business Class-Flüge… Weiterlesen Business Class Hin- und Rückflüge von Wien nach Indien ab 1.400€ by PointsMag.
Pontos pra Voar
Tá barato! LATAM tem passagens nacionais a partir de R$ 94 – São mais de 300 ofertas para você escolher
Fim de semana com precinho camarada! Ao longo dos próximos dois dias a LATAM está oferecendo passagens nacionais, já com taxas inclusas, a partir de R$ 94! São mais de 300 ofertas para você escolher e viajar pelo Brasil. Vamos aos detalhes? Como Comprar Passagens LATAM Basta seguir esses simples...
You Have Been Upgraded
DEAL: Air India Business Wien – Indien (Return): 1.500 Euro
Mit der Air India von Wien nach Indien … Derzeit hat Air India viele gute Business Deals von…
Ultima Llamada
Business Class de Madrid a Bogotá por apenas 589€ Ida o 1173€ Ida y Vuelta
Increíbles tarifas para volar con Latam a Colombia y otros países de Latinoamérica a partir de 589€ solo ida o 1173€ ida y vuelta.
Voyage Avance
エア・インディア(AI)とヴィスタラ(UK)は、マイレージプログラムの統合について、詳細を発表しました。   他の航空会社と同様、UKのマイレージプログラムは、AIのマイレージプログラムに統合されます。   統合後、UK...
Pontos pra Voar
Radar PPV – Resumo das promoções de acúmulo e transferência de pontos do dia 17 de maio de 2024
Bem-vindos à última edição do Radar PPV da semana! Fugindo um pouco do tradicional, tivemos algumas promoções iniciando nesta sexta-feira. Abaixo, confira todas as campanhas disponíveis. A Smiles está oferecendo a seus clientes até 10 milhas por real gasto nas Casas Bahia, incluindo iPhones. Em se tratando de transferência de...
Pontos pra Voar
Ganhe até 18 pontos Dotz por real gasto na compra de produtos selecionados Samsung
O Dotz e a Samsung estão oferecendo a seus clientes a oportunidade de ganhar até 18 pontos por real gasto em compras online. Logo abaixo, veja os detalhes desta oferta. Pontuação 18 pontos – Nas categorias de Smartphones, Tablets, Notes, Smartwatch e Fones 02 pontos – Demais categorias Como Pontuar...
Pontos pra Voar
Wise – Abra a sua conta Multimoeda e economize em suas viagens
Se você tem um viagem programada para o exterior e ainda não tem uma conta global, conheça a conta Multimoeda da Wise, uma conta digital muito interessante e que pode te ajudar a economizar na sua viagem! Confira os detalhes abaixo. A Conta Global Wise A conta global Wise é uma...
Pontos pra Voar
ANAC anuncia isenção de taxas para remarcação de voos ao Rio Grande do Sul
Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) anunciou que passageiros com voos destinados ao Rio Grande do Sul poderão remarcar suas viagens sem custos adicionais. Esta medida se alinha à campanha “Não Cancele, Reagende!” do Ministério do Turismo, visando apoiar o turismo no estado afetado por graves condições climáticas. Os passageiros...
Eye of the Flyer
Idiots Glue Themselves to a Runway, Shut Down the Airport
A group of protestors glued themselves to a runway, causing flights to be canceled or diverted and temporarily closing the airport. Fox News’s Timothy H.J. Nerozzi reports that six climate activists breached a security perimeter at Germany’s Munich International Airport on Saturday. Mr. Nerozzi said about 60 flights were canceled...
One Mile at a Time
Weekly Review: May 18, 2024
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far! I’m spending time with my mom, which I’m greatly enjoying. My goal is to catch up on trip reports in the next couple of weeks, and then take a review trip in early June, so I’m working on planning that...
Points With a Crew
Is it better to rent a car vs. Turo?
If you're trying to decide between renting a car vs. Turo, here are some pros and cons that will help you decide if Turo vs. renting a car makes sense for ...
Your Mileage May Vary
Unveiling the Wallet Shuffle: Crafting the Perfect Travel Card Mix
Before going on a trip, I have a ritual involving our wallets. I need to go through them, remove cards we won’t need when traveling and replace them with the…
Miles To Memories
Mirage Las Vegas Closing Forever, Sahara Parking Mystery, F1’s Fancy Jacket & MGM Online Gambling
Mirage is closing forever, a big hotel upgrades their suites, Neon Museum Ball, changes at Sahara and a fancy F1 Vegas jacket! The post Mirage Las Vegas Closing Forever, Sahara Parking Mystery, F1’s Fancy Jacket & MGM Online Gambling appeared first on Miles to Memories.
The Gate with Brian Cohen
Ponderosa Point at Bryce Canyon National Park
Working slowly back towards the main entrance of Bryce Canyon National Park on that frosty cold December morning after Rainbow Point, Yovimpa Point, and Black Birch Canyon, the next stop was Ponderosa Point. Access to Ponderosa Point — whose lookout is at an elevation of... The post Ponderosa Point at Bryce Canyon...
Wizz Air Introducing MultiPass Flight Subscription Plan In The UK.
Wizz Air has introduced a new subscription plan in the UK. The plan allows customers to fix the… The post Wizz Air Introducing MultiPass Flight Subscription Plan In The UK. appeared first on Wingtips.
View from the Wing
$386 For A $109 Room? NYC Property Charges Higher Fees Than Any Hotel, Ever
We’ve finally found it: the hotel with the most egregious add-on fees in the country. Every other hotel can stop trying, because the 31 Street Broadway Hotel in New York cannot be beaten. On top of the room rate, they charge 49% Destination fee, 47% Bed linens fee, and a $120.00...
Your Mileage May Vary
Some of The Funniest Announcements Ever Made By Airline Employees
Pilots, flight attendants and other cabin crew have very important jobs, most of which have something to do, in some way, shape or form, with our safety. But that’s not…
The Bulkhead Seat
Plus-Size Passenger Gasps For Breath After Wheelchair Pusher Forces Her to Walk the Jet Bridge
I’ve written several times before about the ridiculous plus-size “travel influencer,” Jaelynn Chaney. She… The post Plus-Size Passenger Gasps For Breath After Wheelchair Pusher Forces Her to Walk the Jet Bridge appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Frequent Miler
[Update] Wynn Las Vegas status match: Get a “free” Holland America cruise with Caesars Diamond (with some “gotchas”)
At the beginning of the month, news broke from Miles Talk that Wynn Las Vegas is once again offering a temporary status match, which TravelZork had teased would be forthcoming. This one could be particularly appealing for readers who are planning to be in Las Vegas before the end of...
The Bulkhead Seat
JetBlue Flight Experiences Rain in the Cabin as Mysterious Mist Fills the Air
A JetBlue passenger took to TikTok to share her recent experience. The video shows… The post JetBlue Flight Experiences Rain in the Cabin as Mysterious Mist Fills the Air appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Live and Let’s Fly
Plus-Size Travel Influencer Says Airport Worker Refused To Push Her Wheelchair, Leaving Her Gasping For Breath
A “plus-size” travel influencer says an airport worker in Seattle refused to push her in a wheelchair when she saw how large she was. Forced to walk up the jetbridge herself, she nearly fainted due to a lack of oxygen. Plus-Size Passenger Saus Airport Worker Refuses To Help Her In...
One Mile at a Time
Citi American AAdvantage Business Card Review: 75K Miles & Waived Fee
American Airlines has co-branded credit cards issued by both Barclays and Citi. In this post, I wanted to take a look at the Citi / AAdvantage Business World Elite Mastercard, which is a popular small business credit card in this portfolio.
Miles To Memories
Oh, The Irony: A Not-So-Obvious Strategy for Amex Maximizers
I selectively accepted Amex retention offers before, but I'm on an extreme end now. My strategy's sensible, and it could be for you, too. The post Oh, The Irony: A Not-So-Obvious Strategy for Amex Maximizers appeared first on Miles to Memories.
Travel Codex
Seabourn Luxury Alaska Cruise Deal: $2239 + $600 Onboard Credit!
Seabourn is discounting Alaska cruises with major savings on last minute departures for travel May – Aug 2024. Two people can sail for less than $5,000 total and some of the lowest prices I’ve ever seen for luxury cruises to Alaska ever! Experience a Seabourn Alaska cruise for less than...
Point Me to the Plane
Is The Hyatt Place Kyoto Worth A Stay?
The Hyatt Place Kyoto can be hit or miss, depending on what you're aiming for. Learn more before you decide!
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Businesswoman Says She Was Arrested On Suspicion of Fraud After American Airlines Accidentally Sent Her Booking Details to a Random Person
A female entrepreneur who was flying with American Airlines for the launch of her new startup claims she was arrested on suspicion of fraud in front of other passengers at Dallas Fort Worth Airport after the airline accidentally sent her booking details to a random person in Tennessee. Kavita Raymond,...
Live and Let’s Fly
Review: Hyatt At Olive 8
I spent a night at the Hyatt At Olive 8 in Seattle and found the hotel exceeded my expectations with great service and nice facilities. Yes, the hotel is aging a bit, but it’s still a solid choice for downtown Seattle. Hyatt At Olive 8 Review – Seattle My nightly...
Your Mileage May Vary
My Favorite Seat On A Plane
I love to fly in fancy airline seats. There’s nothing like flying in a lie-flat seat and getting to recline back and catch a few ZZZs at 35,000 feet. It’s…
One Mile at a Time
Citi Strata Premier Replaces Citi Premier: What Changed?
For a long time there had been rumors of Citi launching a new ”Strata” card. There was all kinds of speculation as to what this card would be like. The card has finally launched this week, and it’s not exactly what I was expecting.
View from the Wing
Student Racks Up $140K Credit Card Debt, Thumbs Nose At Banks ‘A Lesson for American Capitalists’ [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips. Continue reading Student Racks Up $140K Credit Card Debt, Thumbs Nose At Banks ‘A Lesson for American Capitalists’ [Roundup]...
Frequent Miler
New Kimpton social secret password: “Good for the sol”
Kimpton hotels & resorts periodically offer a “secret password” (or phrase) that you can say to the check-in agent at the front desk in order to get some small bonus surprise. Those bonus surprises can range from a free drink or parking to an extra “raid the bar credit” to...
One Mile at a Time
Introduction: A Pleasant Voyage To Geneva
Welcome to my next trip report series, covering a brief journey to Geneva this spring. This wasn’t a ”traditional” review trip (where I flew just for the sake of reviewing airlines), but rather we needed to be in Europe for a wedding. Of course I still did my best to...
Points With a Crew
Get a $10 Amazon Credit When You Buy $50 in Beauty Items (Ends Sunday Night)
You only have a few days left to get a $10 Amazon credit for buying at least $50 in beauty products on Amazon, and there is a wide definition of what counts as ...
Point Me to the Plane
Where To Sit On Flights To Hawaii For The Best Views
On flights to Hawaii, consider where you sit. The views can be spectacular and add to the excitement of your arrival in paradise!