Frequent Flyer Funnies: The Turbulence of Loyalty

by BoardingArea | May 10, 2024 | 0 Comments

Welcome back to our sky-high series, #FrequentFlyerFunnies, where we find the humor in the hustle of racking up those miles. This week, we’re navigating the turbulent emotions that come with changes to our beloved loyalty programs. Fasten your seatbelts and stow your tray tables—this is going to be a relatable ride!

A comic strip depicting the various emotional stages experienced by frequent flyers when dealing with changes in airline policies. The comic is divided into six panels each representing different stages: Denial, Anger, Negotiation, Depression, Acceptance, and Change. Each panel humorously illustrates typical reactions such as a traveler in denial saying, "Nooo! They can't be changing the rules!", and one in anger shaking a fist at an airline counter. The Negotiation panel shows a traveler pleading, "But I'm one of your best customers: can't I get an exception?" In Depression, a person is slumped over a bar. Acceptance shows a resigned traveler at the elite check-in, while Change shows someone happily switching to a different airline offering a status match. The caption humorously comments, "They say that acceptance is the hardest stage of frequent flyer grief—thank goodness for status matches!"

What the Comic Shows:

Our comic portrays the “Stages of Frequent Flyer Grief” with sharp wit and inky insight. We see our frequent flyer hero grappling with policy changes at the airline, going through a cycle familiar to anyone who’s lost a treasured status or perk: denial, anger, negotiation, depression, and what looks like acceptance—until a tempting offer appears.


The final twist comes when our traveler, seemingly resigned to their fate at the elite check-in, is lured by the siren song of a status match offer. It’s an unexpected shift from acceptance to opportunistic change—because in the frequent flyer game, it’s all about staying airborne in the best possible way.

Why We’re Chuckling:

It’s a playful jab at the emotional bonds we form with our loyalty programs and how quickly they can be tested. The comic captures the quirky truth of the frequent flyer life: no matter how many times we say we’re done, there’s always a new deal that might just get us back in the air.

Dive Deeper with Us:

  • Loyalty Loop: Does the ‘acceptance’ stage in our flyer’s journey ever truly come, or are we eternally circling the airport of better offers? Share your looping loyalty tales.
  • Point of Diminishing Returns: At what moment does the pursuit of points eclipse the perks they promise? Dive into your experiences when chasing rewards turned into a taxing trek.
  • Autopilot Actions: Have you ever found yourself on autopilot, doing the same travel routines for the sake of status, even when they stop making sense? Let’s discuss when it’s time to switch off autopilot and navigate a new course.
  • The ‘Change’ Choice: Is the real power in acceptance, or is it in the freedom to change loyalty at a moment’s notice? Reflect on what true traveler empowerment looks like in today’s loyalty program landscape.
Frequent Flyer Funnies

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