Frequent Flyer Funnies: When Elves Go Bad

by BoardingArea | June 14, 2024 | 0 Comments

Welcome back to our sky-high series, #FrequentFlyerFunnies, where we find the humor in the hustle of racking up those miles. This week, we’re navigating a hilarious marketing mishap involving Kellogg’s. Fasten your seatbelts for a laugh!

This is a black-and-white cartoon illustration. At the top, there is a news item dated April 28, 2003, stating that the Kellogg Company could not explain why thousands of emails incorrectly informed sweepstakes contestants that they had won 25,000 Advantage Miles. The text suggests that this might be what happens "when elves go bad." The main part of the cartoon shows three elves interacting with a large computer. The computer screen displays a message saying, "YOU'VE WON 25,000 MILES! LOVE, KELLOGGS," with a "SEND" button. One elf is standing on the keyboard, another is climbing the computer, and the third is on the floor. The elves are labeled "SNAP," "CRACKLE," and "POP." Below the cartoon, there is a caption that reads: "A Frequent Flyer Throwback—a true story when even Kellogg's couldn't understand frequent flyer miles. Fast forward, many companies still make fat finger marketing mistakes."

What the Comic Shows:

The comic features a humorous take on a real incident from April 28, 2003, where the Kellogg Company mistakenly informed thousands of sweepstakes contestants that they had won 25,000 Advantage Miles. The comic imagines that mischievous elves, dressed as Kellogg’s mascots, are behind the erroneous emails. The elves are shown causing havoc on a giant keyboard, sending out the incorrect messages.


“When Elves Go Bad”

Why We’re Chuckling:

The idea of tiny, mischievous elves wreaking havoc in a corporate office is a hilarious visual representation of a marketing blunder. It plays on the absurdity of the situation and gives a whimsical twist to a simple error, suggesting that even something as magical as elves can sometimes mess things up.

Dive Deeper with Us:

  • Marketing Mishaps: Have you ever experienced a marketing error that left you either laughing or frustrated? Share your stories of bizarre or funny marketing blunders.
  • Elves in the Office: The comic imagines mischievous elves causing trouble. What’s the most unusual explanation you’ve ever heard for a workplace mistake?
  • Frequent Flyer Follies: Have you ever had an issue with your frequent flyer miles? Whether it’s a missing reward or an unexpected bonus, we want to hear your experiences.
  • Behind the Scenes: This comic highlights a behind-the-scenes error. Do you have any insights or stories about what goes on behind the scenes in the world of travel marketing or rewards programs?

And there you have it—another laugh-inducing look at the quirks and oddities of the frequent flyer world. Whether it’s mischievous elves or marketing missteps, there’s always a funny story behind the miles we chase. Stay tuned for more #FrequentFlyerFunnies as we continue to explore the lighter side of travel. Until next time, keep your sense of humor high and your points even higher!

Frequent Flyer Funnies

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