Live and Let’s Fly
Dear American Airlines Flight Attendants, Barricading Yourselves In The Galley Is Not Providing Premium Service
Earlier I wrote about how American Airlines can be great again in part by offering more consistent and professional service onboard. Here’s a perfect example: flight attendants cannot barricade themselves in the galley after meal service. It’s time for a paradigm change. American Airlines Flight Attendants Barricade Themselves In Galley...
View from the Wing
Miami Airport’s $50M Clean-Up Scandal: Company Responsible Spills Tea [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips. Continue reading Miami Airport’s $50M Clean-Up Scandal: Company Responsible Spills Tea [Roundup]...
The Gate with Brian Cohen
More Winter Weather. More Travel Waivers. February 2025 Travel Alert.
More winter weather means more travel waivers February 2025 from airlines due to the latest weather systems that seem to continually impact the northern United States and southern Canada. Consider ensuring that you have alternate travel plans ready to be implemented because of this incessant winter weather. The following statement is...
International Stories
Pontos pra Voar
Cathay apresenta nova cabine de classe executiva Aria Suite
A Cathay Pacific apresentou na Europa sua nova classe executiva, a Aria Suite, que estreia na rota Londres – Hong Kong com o Boeing 777-300ER. Com design moderno, assentos totalmente reclináveis e telas 4K, a cabine faz parte de um investimento de US$ 12 bilhões na modernização da frota e...
Pontos pra Voar
Milhas, promoções e dicas – Junte-se aos grupos silenciosos do PPV
Receba novidades e dicas do Pontos pra Voar de forma prática e organizada! Nosso canal no Telegram e grupos no WhatsApp são silenciosos e sem spam. Apenas os administradores compartilham conteúdos relevantes, sem excesso de mensagens desnecessárias. Junte-se a nós e aproveite o melhor do universo das milhas e viagens!...
Diese Four Seasons-Hotels sind die wahren Hauptdarsteller der beliebten Serie „The White Lotus“
Zählst du auch schon die Stunden, bis die dritte Staffel von The White Lotus am 17. Februar beginnt?… Weiterlesen Diese Four Seasons-Hotels sind die wahren Hauptdarsteller der beliebten Serie „The White Lotus“ by PointsMag.
Pontos pra Voar
Livelo oferece até 6 pontos por real gasto na Fast Shop e Pontofrio
A Livelo está oferecendo aos seus associados até 6 pontos por real gasto na Fast Shop e Pontofrio. Veja a seguir os principais detalhes de cada uma das promoções. Fast Shop Pontuação A pontuação turbinada está estruturada da seguinte forma: 06 pontos – Produtos selecionados Electrolux 02 pontos – Demais produtos...
Pontos pra Voar
Economize até 20% ao resgatar passagens nacionais com pontos no Azul Fidelidade
O Azul Fidelidade está oferecendo aos assinantes do Clube até 20% de desconto no resgate de passagens nacionais com pontos. Esta oferta é válida até amanhã, dia 16 de fevereiro, e você confere os detalhes na sequência. Mecânica do Desconto O desconto nas passagens da Azul está estruturado da seguinte...
Pontos pra Voar
Punta Cana receberá o primeiro resort all-inclusive da W no mundo
A Marriott International abrirá em 15 de abril de 2025 o W Punta Cana, Adult All-Inclusive, o primeiro resort all-inclusive da marca W Hotels, localizado na paradisíaca Uvero Alto em Punta Cana. Com 340 acomodações sofisticadas, 13 restaurantes e bares, além de experiências exclusivas de lazer e bem-estar, o resort...
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! Resgate trechos pelo Brasil a partir de 3.160 pontos
Está querendo viajar, mas tem poucos pontos? A edição do Alerta de Passagens PPV deste sábado está no ar! Trouxemos neste artigo 10 dicas de trechos pelo Brasil a partir de 3.160 pontos, mais taxas. Vamos aos detalhes! Passagens Nacionais Nessa tabela mesclamos algumas emissões dos três programas de companhias...
Fly with Moxie
베트남 다낭 여행기 5탄- 인터컨티넨탈 다낭 리조트 입성기~
베트남 다낭 도착 4일차~ 다낭 노보텔 호텔 체크 아웃후 드디어 고대하고 기대하던 세계 최고의 럭셔리 리조트 인터컨티넨탈 다낭 선 페닌술라 호텔로 ~ 비가 부슬부슬 와서 제발 비야 그쳐라 했는데 결국 비가 오는 바람에 호텔측에서 이메일이 왔는데  산 입구에서 택시는 못 올라가고  호텔측에서 셔틀을 보내줄테니  셔틀...
Pontos pra Voar
Conheça o centro-oeste brasileiro – Diárias a partir de R$ 142
Quer conhecer os principais pontos turísticos do Centro-Oeste e se hospedar nos melhores e mais baratos hotéis da região? Então confira essa lista de hotéis Centro-Oeste que separamos para você, com opções de hotéis Accor em Brasília, Goiânia, Palmas, Campo Grande e Cuiabá. Com diárias a partir de R$ 142,...
Pontos pra Voar
Nova conversão de pontos ALL Accor para a Qantas – Mais benefícios para os viajantes
Recentemente, o programa de fidelidade ALL – Accor Live Limitless anunciou uma melhoria significativa na conversão de seus pontos para o programa de fidelidade da companhia aérea australiana Qantas. Agora, a cada 2.000 pontos ALL Accor transferidos, o cliente recebe 2.500 pontos no programa Qantas Frequent Flyer.  Essa mudança representa...
Radisson VIP Status: Von der Panorama Suite zur Account-Deaktivierung [Gastbeitrag]
Ein Status bei einem Hotel oder einer Fluggesellschaft, am besten bei beiden, ist sehr hilfreich. Es gibt Upgrades und weitere Vorteile. Doch warum wirft Radisson hier einfach einen Kunden raus, deaktiviert den Status und aktiviert diesen dann ohne jeden Status und klaut noch die Punkte die bereits "erschlafen" wurden? Der...
Pontos pra Voar
Confira as rotas aéreas mais movimentadas entre a América Latina e a Espanha
Em 2024, o fluxo de passageiros entre a Espanha e a América Latina registrou um crescimento expressivo, ultrapassando a marca de 12 milhões de viajantes, consolidando várias rotas aéreas. Esse aumento reflete uma recuperação significativa do setor aéreo, que vem superando os impactos causados pela pandemia de COVID-19. Rotas Aéreas...
Pontos pra Voar
Por tempo limitado! Banco do Brasil oferece 50% de cashback em pontos Livelo
Em comemoração a marca de R$ 1 bilhão em cashback, o Banco do Brasil lançou a promoção “1 bilhão de motivos para comemorar”, que oferece até 50% de pontos Livelo de volta usando o Cashback com Pontos. Banco do Brasil Oferece 50% de Cashback em Pontos Livelo Durante o período...
Agoda 优惠:Agoda 月中大特卖,全球酒店预订享85折优惠(25/2/25前预订)
Agoda 每月有固定的三个优惠活动。这个 Agoda 月中大特卖就是其中之一,活动时间为每月的12至25日。 […]
原本夏威夷航空是一家非常小的区域型航空公司,但随着阿拉斯加航空的收购,使得我们可以在两者之间以1:1的比例直接 […]
台湾旅游淡旺季,节日庆典与公共假期介绍 2025 ,合理安排出游时间,感受当地风情
外出旅行时,如果恰好碰上当地的旅游旺季是很痛苦的事情,一方面人潮拥挤,参观景点、当地体验都不会很好;另一方面, […]
美国信用卡:希尔顿 Amex Hilton Honors card 介绍
希尔顿和美国运通 Amex 合作发行了三张个人联名信用卡,这张 Amex Hilton Honors card […]
美国信用卡:希尔顿 Amex Hilton Surpass Card 介绍
希尔顿和美国运通 Amex 合作发行了三张个人联名信用卡,这张 Amex Hilton Surpass Car […]
Pontos pra Voar
Radar PPV! Resumo das promoções de acúmulo e transferência de pontos do dia 14 de fevereiro de 2025
Bem-vindo a última edição do Radar PPV da semana! Como de costume, tivemos uma sexta-feira meio borocoxô, sem grandes novidades no mundo dos pontos e milhas. O LATAM Pass está oferecendo até 11 pontos por real gasto em compras online no PontoStore e Casas Bahia. Hoje terminam duas promoções de...
Pontos pra Voar
PPV no Youtube! Inscreva-se no canal e mantenha-se atualizado sobre o mundo dos pontos e milhas
Que tal aprimorar suas viagens com dicas valiosas sobre pontos e milhas? Inscreva-se agora no canal Pontos pra Voar no YouTube e mantenha-se atualizado com conteúdo novo toda semana! Aproveite ao máximo suas aventuras! Pontos pra Voar no YouTube Alguns dos assuntos que abordamos incluem: Programas de fidelidade Dicas de...
Pontos pra Voar
Voando juntos: participe do bate-papo gratuito do PPV
Quer um espaço para trocar ideias sobre viagens, milhas e pontos? Junte-se ao Bate-Papo PPV, nosso grupo gratuito feito para quem ama explorar o mundo! Aqui, você pode compartilhar experiências, descobrir promoções exclusivas, trocar dicas valiosas e conversar com outros apaixonados por viagens. Venha fazer parte dessa comunidade e torne...
Pontos pra Voar
Acaba hoje! Azul Fidelidade oferece até 80% de bônus no envio de pontos Esfera
Hoje termina a promoção do Azul Fidelidade em parceria com a Esfera, na qual os seus clientes ganham até 80% de bônus na transferência de pontos. Veja na sequência os principais detalhes dessa oferta. Bonificação Para esta campanha, a bonificação está estruturada da seguinte forma: 60% de bônus – Assinantes...
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! África do Sul a partir de 43.000 pontos LATAM Pass – Datas no Natal e Ano Novo
Procurando passagens para garantir as férias de fim de ano? Que tal aproveitar para conhecer a África do Sul com seus ponto LATAM Pass? O programa possui trechos diretos para Joanesburgo, a maior cidade da África do Sul, a partir de 43.000 pontos LATAM Pass! Hoje nossa equipe localizou oportunidades...
Pontos pra Voar
Grupo Abra Fortalece Equipe Jurídica e Avança na Fase de Due Diligence para Fusão entre Gol e Azul
O Grupo Abra, holding controladora da Gol, está avançando com a fusão entre a Gol e a Azul, um processo estratégico que promete redefinir o mercado aéreo brasileiro. A companhia intensificou suas preparações ao reforçar sua equipe jurídica, composta por importantes escritórios de advocacia, como o Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen &...
One Mile at a Time
Nice: Delta Will Serve Taittinger Champagne In Business Class
Delta Air Lines is expected to upgrade its business class champagne in the very near future, which is an exciting development for those premium passengers who enjoy a glass or two of bubbles…
ICYMI: This Week’s WingTips Takeoff!
Missed the latest aviation gossip, travel hacks, or mile-chasing mischief at Wingtips? No worries—we’ve got your inflight entertainment… The post ICYMI: This Week’s WingTips Takeoff! appeared first on Wingtips.
Live and Let’s Fly
Make American Airlines Great Again: A Five-Point Blueprint
American Airlines has finally awakened and realized that it will continue to fall behind Delta Air Lines and United Airlines unless it offers a more premium experience for its passengers. Here’s how it can be done. 5 Ways American Airlines Can Be Great Again While AA was profitable in 2024,...
Points With a Crew
Should you buy Wyndham points with a 60% bonus? (Ends Sunday)
Wyndham Rewards currently has a 35% bonus on buying points. Buying Wyndham points can be a great way to book an amazing Vacasa vacation rental at a steep discount. Find out how ...
Point Me to the Plane
A Cafe You Won’t Want To Miss!
So many places, so little time. Here's a cafe that takes you wherever and whenever your travel juices bubble up!
ATX Jetsetter
Weekly Recap: February 15, 2025
Catch up on the latest aviation and travel related news for the week ending February 15, 2025 in the ATX Jetsetter weekly recap. The post Weekly Recap: February 15, 2025 appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
Your Mileage May Vary
The Hero Flight Attendant Who Tells It Like It Is
Flight attendants have a tough, TOUGH job. Their most important reason for being there is to tell us what to do and to keep us safe in the event of…
One Mile at a Time
Hilton Aspire Card Diamond Status: How It Works
The Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card (review) is Hilton’s most premium co-branded credit card, and there are all kinds of reasons to consider picking it up.
Sky Skylar
A Frequent Flyer’s Guide to Las Vegas Airport Lounges
I've always been fascinated by the bustling energy of Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) in Paradise, Nevada, which welcomes over 51 million passengers annually. With its two main terminals—Terminal 1 for domestic flights and Terminal 3 for both domestic and international—it's no surprise that efficient trams, flashing slot machines, and...
View from the Wing
Trapped In Rural Canada: How United Airlines Newark – Dublin Passengers Were Left Stranded For Days Following Medical Divers
United Airlines flight 23 from Newark to Dublin diverted to St. Johns, Newfoundland with a medical emergency on Thursday. Passengers are still stuck there days later, with little hope in sight and no plan to fly out today. Continue reading Trapped In Rural Canada: How United Airlines Newark –...
The Bulkhead Seat
Southwest’s Redeye Flights Took Off This Week For the First Time In Its History
As I wrote about back in July 2024, Southwest has added redeye flights. This… The post Southwest’s Redeye Flights Took Off This Week For the First Time In Its History appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Frequent Miler
(Update: Some cancellations) $75 Uber credit with CLEAR enrollment
Update 2/15/25: Doctor of Credit is reporting that some members who signed up for this CLEAR promotion are having their memberships cancelled without notice. According to what they’ve written, it sounds like CLEAR is cancelling on people who signed up with a credit card that reimburses the cost of membership,...
Live and Let’s Fly
Qantas First Class Breakfast: Then And Now
I shared some highlights from my Qantas flight from Sydney to Los Angeles flight (full review here), but I thought it would be fun here to compare my first Qantas First Class breakfast from 2015 with the breakfast I just enjoyed. The Dependable Qantas First Class Breakfast In 2015,  I...
Live and Let’s Fly
Qantas First Class Breakfast: Then And Now
I shared some highlights from my Qantas flight from Sydney to Los Angeles flight (full review here), but I thought it would be fun here to compare my first Qantas First Class breakfast from 2015 with the breakfast I just enjoyed. The Dependable Qantas First Class Breakfast In 2015,  I...
View from the Wing
Inside The American Airlines Premium Pivot: Deep Dive Into The Challenges Ahead And Blueprint For Success
For years I've written that American Airlines has high costs, and can't win with a strategy of aping Spirit and Frontier (despite that having been Isom's focus while President of the airline). Over the past three years they've been focused primarily on costs when they largely have a revenue...
One Mile at a Time
How To Access Delta Sky Clubs: Complete Guide
Every airline has a different approach when it comes to offering lounge access, though Delta is in a whole different league when it comes to discouraging memberships and day passes, and rather focusing on offering lounge access through credit cards. The Atlanta-based airline also has the most restrictive policies in...
One Mile at a Time
How To Access Delta Sky Clubs: Complete Guide
Every airline has a different approach when it comes to offering lounge access, though Delta is in a whole different league when it comes to discouraging memberships and day passes, and rather focusing on offering lounge access through credit cards. The Atlanta-based airline also has the most restrictive policies in...
View from the Wing
JetBlue Or Breeze: Southwest Airlines Acquisition Speculation Fueled By Flight Attendant Union Leader After Executive Board Meeting
Southwest Airlines flight attendants union board member Chris Click just came out of an executive board meeting and took to social media, fueling speculation that the carrier could be close to announcing a deal to acquire another airline. Continue reading JetBlue Or Breeze: Southwest Airlines Acquisition Speculation Fueled By Flight Attendant...
Sky Skylar
Why Cathay Pacific’s Business Class Delights Frequent Flyers in 2025
I've come to appreciate how Cathay Pacific consistently raises the bar for Business Class travel. Rooted in Hong Kong's vibrant culture and international outlook, this flagship carrier offers a polished blend of East and West. In 2025, with global travel regaining momentum, Cathay Pacific's Business Class continues to stand out...
Travel Points Playbook
One Card, One Trip: New Orleans
In this edition I am looking at a destination that is one of our personal favorites for a long weekend getaway; New Orleans, Louisiana.  Laissez le bon temps rouler (let the good times roll)!
Eye of the Flyer
Order Delta Metal Bag Tags, a Southwest Companion Promotion, First Class Fast Food, and Cruise Questions
If you haven’t been on vacation in a while, perhaps now is a good time to at least read up on some travel-related topics. And maybe look into a certain Southwest Airlines promotion that could save you and a companion a lot of money during the next year. Here’s what we...
Frequent Miler
Finding hidden wins, a great hotel award search tool, and more [Week in Review]
Almost 30 years ago, the Sunscreen Song (or really Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich) taught to “accept certain inalienable truths”, among them the fact that “prices will rise”. That is unfortunately just what happened this week for some awards booked through Avianca Lifemiles. Thankfully, the Broadway musical Spamalot subsequently taught me...
Live and Let’s Fly
Southwest Airlines Launches Redeye Flights
As of Thursday, February 13, 2025, Southwest Airlines has launched redeye lights. Through 2017, Southwest used a system that had to be reset each night, forcing all flights to land by 11:00 PM PT. Southwest now uses Amadeus and its recently-signed contracts with both pilots and flight attendants now allow...
One Mile at a Time
Review: American Airlines First Class Boeing 777 (LHR-MIA)
For the last segment of my quick trip to Paris and Cairo, I flew American Airlines’ Boeing 777-300ER first class on the nine hour flight from London (LHR) to Miami (MIA). We know that American’s international first class is on the way out, as the airline will soon reconfigure its 777-300ERs,...
View from the Wing
Alaska Airlines Begins Rolling Out Multi-Partner Award Tickets
When Alaska rolled out a new distance-based award chart that covered all of their partners and all regions of the world, they said they would introduce the ability to combine different partner airlines on a single award ticket redemption. That's something they had teased since joining oneworld and again...
Remembering Korea’s Short-Lived Boutique LCC: Seoul to Gwangju on an Air Philip Embraer 145
Join me as I fly onboard Air Philip, a little known Korean carrier that lasted no more than a few months.