One Mile at a Time
Weekly Review: March 08, 2025
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far! I apologize for my unusual posting schedule over the past week, as I’ve been in Japan. We’ve had an incredible trip so far, and I look forward to sharing more initial impressions over the coming days, and then publishing a...
Your Mileage May Vary
This AMEX Representative Saved My Membership Rewards Points
When your American Express credit card anniversary date is approaching, you need to consider the annual fee. Is the card worth keeping? Even if it was a good decision before,…
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Buckle Your Seatbelts: The Aviation Industry Says The Trump Administration’s Plans For Sweeping Federal Jobs Cuts Will Be “Bad For Everyone”
Some US airlines might be fawning over the Trump administration and publicly praising plans to bolster the numbers of air traffic controllers, but the trade body that represents more than 340 airlines around the world is less enthusiastic about the President’s plans for sweeping federal job cuts. While it remains...
Pontos pra Voar
Atrações para a família! Conheça a hamburgueria com o tema do Chaves
A hamburgueria Chaves Burger, localizada em São Bernardo do Campo, oferece uma experiência imersiva para os fãs do Chaves, com decoração inspirada na vila e um cardápio criativo que homenageia os personagens da série. O destaque é o hambúrguer ‘Madruga’, feito com burger de costela, bacon, cheddar e onion rings,...
Miles To Memories
Points And Miles Required Reading, Volume III
We're touching on four different topics of varying importance on this third edition of Point And Miles Required Reading. The post Points And Miles Required Reading, Volume III appeared first on Miles to Memories.
Pontos pra Voar
Netflix e governo francês lançam guias online gratuitos
A Netflix e a Atout France, agência do governo francês para promover o turismo (uma espécie de Embratur do país europeu), lançaram guias turísticos gratuitos online com uma seleção de mais de 70 lugares ligados a filmes e séries icônicos. O material está disponível em francês e em inglês. Para...
View from the Wing
Airlines Now Flying ‘2% More Seats’ Than 2019, Yet Scheduled Flights Still Haven’t Recovered From Pandemic
There are more seats flying today than there were before the pandemic but flights are still below 2019 levels worldwide, and we’re certainly not back to trend. Continue reading Airlines Now Flying ‘2% More Seats’ Than 2019, Yet Scheduled Flights Still Haven’t Recovered From Pandemic...
Monkey Miles
A list of all the Secret VIP Hotel programs you should be using
This is a list of all the hotel VIP programs you can use to access increased benefits at qualifying rates ( usually BAR ) updated for 2022 The post A list of all the Secret VIP Hotel programs you should be using appeared first on Monkey Miles.
Your Mileage May Vary
Why Airports’ Moving Sidewalks Are So Slow
There was a time when I scoffed at the idea of using moving walkways. Didn’t matter if they were at airports, theme parks, or anywhere else, if I had the…
WingTips Recap: What Airlines Got Away With This Week
Another week, another round of airline shenanigans, points hustles, and travel chaos that makes you question all your… The post WingTips Recap: What Airlines Got Away With This Week appeared first on Wingtips.
Pontos pra Voar
Entre agora nos grupos silenciosos e gratuitos do Pontos pra Voar
Entre para nossos grupos silenciosos no WhatsApp e canal no Telegram! Receba dicas valiosas sobre pontos e milhas, sem spam, apenas conteúdos essenciais para você acumular, economizar e explorar o mundo. Confira os detalhes! Grupos Silenciosos Nós também compartilhamos, além do conteúdo que disponibilizamos em nosso site: Artigos que podem...
Capital One Lounge Las Vegas Airport – Review
Wer in den USA unterwegs ist, findet nicht immer die schönsten Lounges. Dabei gibt es im Wesentlichen drei Gruppen. Die Lounges der Fluggesellschaften, wie diese American Airlines zum Beispiel betreibt. Danach folgen Lounges von Drittanbietern, wie Plaza Premium oder anderen. Und dann sind da noch die Lounges von Kreditkartenanbietern wie...
Live and Let’s Fly
Happy Birthday, Mom!
My dear mother has a round birthday today and I am so thankful for her love and support over the years. Happy Birthday To A Mother Like No Other! Since I take Sundays off, I don’t usually have the opportunity to address my mother on Mother’s Day, so I will...
Pontos pra Voar
Conheça a cidade premiada com o mar mais lindo da Itália
Pollica, na região da Campania, foi eleita a cidade com o mar mais lindo da Itália pelo prêmio Cinque Vele 2024, que avalia critérios como biodiversidade, qualidade da água e sustentabilidade. Além de suas praias premiadas, Pollica se destaca por sua rica história, com o Castello dei Principi Capano e...
One Mile at a Time
Review: Kyra Lounge Hong Kong Airport (HKG)
Duringmy Aria Suite Adventure to Hong Kong, I decided to visit the newest lounge at Hong Kong Airport, which opened its doors in July 2024. I’m talking about the Kyra Lounge, which is accessible through a variety of means, including through Priority Pass.
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Delta Air is Battling a Spike in Flight Attendants Calling Out Sick And It Might Spur Yet Another Unionization Attempt
Delta Air Lines is battling a spike in flight attendants calling out sick, especially over weekends, holidays, and ahead of big events like the Superbowl. The carrier’s attempts to get flight attendants back to work, however, could spur on a major unionization drive. So far, at least, Delta hasn’t seen...