Frequent Flyer Funnies: The Bi-Focal Loyalty Vision Test

by BoardingArea | May 24, 2024 | 0 Comments

Ever felt like your airline loyalty program was testing your vision, or perhaps your sanity? Welcome to this week’s edition of #FrequentFlyerFunnies, where we poke fun at the often convoluted world of airline rewards and upgrades. Grab your reading glasses and join us for a laugh!

Take a look at the comic below, where our frequent flyer hero undergoes a ‘vision test’ that reveals the stark contrast between what airlines promise and what we often end up experiencing. It’s a humorous take on the promises of “more upgrades, better award availability, and fewer fees” versus the reality that everything is just fine…or is it?

A comic depicting a frequent flyer undergoing a vision test with two charts. The first chart, read by an optimistic airline customer, shows 'MORE UPGRADES, BETTER AWARD AVAILABILITY, FEWER FEES.' The second chart, read by a skeptical frequent flyer, shows 'EVERYTHING IS FINE, ALL IS WELL.' The caption at the bottom humorously redefines the term 'BI-FOCAL.'

What the Comic Shows:

In this comic, we see a frequent flyer undergoing a vision test administered by an airline. The first chart, aimed at the hopeful traveler, promises “MORE UPGRADES, BETTER AWARD AVAILABILITY, FEWER FEES.” In contrast, the second chart, seen by a skeptical frequent flyer, reads “EVERYTHING IS FINE, ALL IS WELL,” highlighting the disparity between expectations and reality.


The comic humorously redefines the term “BI-FOCAL,” pointing out the dual perspectives of airline promises versus frequent flyer experiences.

Why We’re Chuckling:

The humor lies in the juxtaposition of the airline’s lofty promises against the frequent flyer’s more cynical reality. It’s a playful jab at the often exaggerated claims made by loyalty programs, which frequent flyers know all too well.

Dive Deeper with Us:

  • Seeing Double: Have you ever felt like you were seeing double with the promises made by your loyalty program? Share your experiences where the reality didn’t quite match the advertisement.
  • Vision vs. Reality: When have you encountered a stark contrast between the advertised perks and what you actually received? Discuss moments when you felt misled by loyalty programs.
  • Optimism vs. Skepticism: How do you balance staying optimistic about potential rewards while remaining realistic about what you’ll actually get? Reflect on your approach to managing expectations with loyalty programs.
  • Reforming Rewards: What changes would you like to see in airline loyalty programs to make them more transparent and fair? Join the conversation and share your thoughts on how these programs can improve.

This week’s #FrequentFlyerFunnies reminds us that while the journey may come with its fair share of skepticism, a good laugh helps keep things in perspective. Happy flying and keep those eyes on the prize!

Frequent Flyer Funnies

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