Frequent Flyer Funnies: The Way It Is vs. The Way It Ought to Be

by BoardingArea | June 7, 2024 | 0 Comments

Welcome back to another edition of #FrequentFlyerFunnies! Today, we’re taking a humorous look at the contrast between the reality of frequent flyer benefits and the ideal world we all wish existed. Get ready for a laugh as we explore the airline industry’s creative take on “tough times.”

This is a black and white comic strip titled "THOSE FREQUENT FLYER MILES...". The comic is divided into two panels: 1. The top panel is labeled "...THE WAY IT IS!" and shows a woman being interviewed by a news crew. She is holding papers and speaking into a microphone. In the background, there are airplanes on the ground and one in the air. The speech bubble from the woman says, "TIMES ARE REALLY TOUGH FOR THE AIRLINES; THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE TO CUT FREQUENT FLYER BENEFITS." 2. The bottom panel is labeled "...THE WAY IT OUGHT TO BE!" and shows several airplanes on the ground and one in the air. A speech bubble from one of the airplanes says, "BOY! TIMES ARE REALLY TOUGH! WE HAVE TO IMPROVE OUR FREQUENT FLYER BENEFITS!" Below the comic, there is a caption that reads, "through good times and bad times, the word DEVALUATION always seems to be a method of marketing."


What the Comic Shows:

In today’s comic, we see a satirical take on how airlines handle frequent flyer benefits during tough times. The top panel depicts the current reality, where airlines justify cutting benefits by claiming economic hardship. In contrast, the bottom panel humorously imagines a world where airlines respond to tough times by improving benefits for their loyal customers.


The punchline lies in the stark contrast between the two panels: while airlines in reality often cut benefits citing tough times, the ideal world flips this logic on its head, suggesting that tough times should lead to better rewards for frequent flyers.

Why We’re Chuckling:

We’re chuckling because this comic perfectly captures the absurdity and frustration many frequent flyers feel. The idea that airlines would improve benefits during tough times is laughable, yet it’s a reality we all wish for. It’s a clever twist on the usual corporate rhetoric.

Dive Deeper with Us:

  • The Irony of Devaluation: Airlines often talk about loyalty, but the comic hilariously highlights how their actions don’t always match their words. Devaluing points while claiming to care about frequent flyers is a classic example of this irony.
  • The Reality Check: The comic could be seen as a reality check for frequent flyers who are hopeful about program improvements. It’s a tongue-in-cheek reminder that airline priorities might not always align with passenger expectations.
  • Marketing Spin: The comic cleverly mocks how airlines use marketing spin to justify benefit cuts. It’s funny to imagine if other industries did the same: “Due to tough times, we’ve decided to give you less product for the same price!”
  • Frequent Flyer Fantasy: The bottom panel represents every traveler’s fantasy: an airline that actually improves benefits during hard times. It’s amusing to think about how surreal that would be in the real world.
  • Customer Service Dreams: It could be fun to expand on the dream scenario where airlines prioritize customer satisfaction to such an extent that they improve benefits even when it’s tough for them financially. Imagine an airline CEO saying, “Our profits are down, so let’s double the miles we offer!”
  • Devaluation as a Trend: The caption “through good times and bad times, the word DEVALUATION always seems to be a method of marketing” humorously suggests that devaluation has become a trend, almost a marketing strategy in itself.
  • Role Reversal: The comic plays on the idea of role reversal, where instead of cutting costs at the expense of loyal customers, airlines go out of their way to reward them more generously. It’s funny because it’s so unexpected.
  • Sarcastic Commentary: Adding a layer of sarcastic commentary, like “In an alternate universe where airlines value their frequent flyers,” can amplify the humor. It’s a playful dig at the disconnect between airline policies and passenger desires.
  • The Speech Bubble Swap: Imagine if the speech bubbles were swapped. It would be equally funny to see a passenger saying, “Times are tough, so I’m cutting back on flying with you!” and an airline saying, “Oh no, we need to improve our benefits to win you back!”
  • The Loyalty Dilemma: The comic captures the loyalty dilemma faced by travelers: stay loyal and hope for better benefits, or switch to another airline in search of better rewards. This humorous depiction can resonate with many frequent flyers.

This week’s #FrequentFlyerFunnies reminds us that while the journey may come with its fair share of skepticism, a good laugh helps keep things in perspective. Happy flying and keep those eyes on the prize!

Frequent Flyer Funnies

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