Trip.com 优惠:3月24-30日“月底救星”活动,泰国特别场超值优惠
每个月月底的25日-30日,Trip.com 都会发布名为“月底救星”的 Trip.com 优惠,活动一般会包 […]
IHG Paypal活动:Paypal用户预订周末住宿可享75折(25/6/30前预订)
洲际 IHG 和很多支付公司都有合作,我们也介绍了Visa、Mastercard的用户在预订时可以享受优惠的活 […]
本次IHG活动针对在德国的洲际集团酒店,IHG会员在2025年5月31日前注册活动并预订住宿,并在7月6日前完 […]
雅高香港酒店总计有8家,2家诺富特,2家美憬阁和2家宜必思,高端和中端酒店都是以设计酒店为主,商务型的仅有诺富 […]
Also on BoardingArea
Your Mileage May Vary
The Happiest Countries in the World, Ranked (Spoilers: U.S. Dropped to All-Time Low)
Research and studies suggest that happiness is one of the keys to living a longer life. And let’s face it; even if it wasn’t, most people would prefer to feel…
One Mile at a Time
United Club Changes: Higher Membership Fees, New Guest Restrictions
United Airlines has announced significant changes when it comes to accessing United Clubs. This announcement comes at the same time that Chase and United are overhauling their credit cards, which I’ve covered separately. Let’s cover all the details…
View from the Wing
United Cuts Lounge Perks And Hikes Price To $1,400—So The $695 Card Becomes The ‘Much Better’ Deal
United Airlines is taking a page from Delta with club lounge access restrictions, and together with Chase they're taking a page from American Express with changes to their co-brand card portfolio. But I think they're doing it a little bit more thoughtfully. Continue reading United Cuts Lounge Perks And Hikes...
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
March 24 Bonus Offer Highlight: IHG One Rewards – Earn 3x points all stays in Germany
Today's bonus offer highlight is from IHG One Rewards who are offering an excellent 3x points for stays at their hotels in Germany. Check out all of the new bonuses added today: The post March 24 Bonus Offer Highlight: IHG One Rewards – Earn 3x points all stays in Germany appeared...
Live and Let’s Fly
United Airlines Transpacific Flight Diverts After Pilot Forgets Passport
A United Airlines flight to Shanghai was forced to make a U-turn over the Pacific Ocean after one of the pilots discovered a critical missing item: his passport. Pilot Forgets Passport, Forcing Diversion Of Transpacific United Airlines 787-9 Flight UA198 took off on-time from Los Angeles (LAX) on Saturday, March...
One Mile at a Time
United Chase Credit Card Changes: Higher Fees, More Perks & Status
United MileagePlus and Chase have a suite of co-branded credit cards. Well, these cards are getting a complete overhaul — we’re seeing annual fees increase, though we’re also seeing new benefits added. Whether these changes are positive or negative depends entirely on the type of consumer you are, and how...
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
United Airlines is Making it More Expensive to Enter its Airport Lounges With Membership And Credit Card Fees Being Hiked
United Airlines is hiking the cost to enter its premium United Club airport lounges with the cost of a United Club membership rising by as much as 115% and the United Club co-branded credit card getting a more modest fee rise of more than 32%. The Chicago-based carried laid out...
Frequent Miler
[Changes go live 3/25] Air Canada Aeroplan adopting dynamic pricing for some partners (including United)
Reminder that these changes go live tomorrow, 3/25/25, so this is a last chance to make bookings under the current chart before several airlines become dynamically priced. Today, Air Canada Aeroplan announced that it will be reconfiguring its award chart starting March 25th, 2025. Although the “partner chart” will remain...
The Bulkhead Seat
United Makes Huge Changes to Lounge Access, Costs, and More
Delta Air Lines made huge waves when it announced changes to Sky Club® access… The post United Makes Huge Changes to Lounge Access, Costs, and More appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Interesting: Iberia Charges Fees For US Flight Changes Within 24 Hours
Background When it comes to booking flights, many airlines follow a policy that allows travelers to make changes…
One Mile at a Time
Lol: Global Airlines “VIP Pre-Sale” Tickets Now Available
Guys, stop whatever you’re doing, it’s time to book an inaugural flight… or whatever you’d like to call this.
View from the Wing
Is This Luxury—Or Just 2007? Hot Nuts Are Still Ruining First Class
Is it time to eliminate hot nuts in first class? They're boring and they do not distinguish the product. It's like airlines aren't even trying. And that's why coming up with a replacement seems like a real opportunity to wow customers with something different. Continue reading Is This...
Live and Let’s Fly
United Airlines Overhauls Lounge Access Policy, Raises Membership Prices
United Airlines has overhauled its lounge access policy and–in some circumstances–dramatically raised membership prices to its network of United Club lounges. United Airlines Announces Two Lounge Membership Tiers, New Pricing For United Club Access While not quite as draconian as Delta’s recent changes, United Airlines is introducing two lounge tiers,...
Monkey Miles
Review: Intercontinental Chicago Magnificent Mile
There is no better time to enjoy downtown Chicago than summer, and we chose the Intercontinental Chicago Magnificent Mile. Check out our review! The post Review: Intercontinental Chicago Magnificent Mile appeared first on Monkey Miles.
The Points of Life
March Madness Standings: TPOL’s at the Bottom
Nothing went my way this opening weekend, meaning some lucky someone is going to be visiting me in Puerto Rico soon. Here is the current leaderboard: The post March Madness Standings: TPOL’s at the Bottom appeared first on The Points Of Life.
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Apple Maps Users Report Strange Bug Where Random Airport Baggage Carousel Pins Are Appearing For No Reason
Apple Maps users have started to report a strange bug in which pins identifying random airport baggage carousel belts have started to show on zoomed out maps for no reason. The issue started on Sunday when users took to the popular social media platform Reddit to complain about the apparent...
Multiple countries issue travel advisories warning about travel to the US
Countries in the EU and Canada at retaliating, now issuing travel advisories of their own, warning their citizens about travel to the US.
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Lufthansa Will Install A New Business Class On Its Airbus A380 Superjumbos But They Aren’t The Airline’s Ill-Fated Allegris Seats
In September 2023, German flag carrier Lufthansa revealed that it planned to make a big investment by refitting its fleet of Airbus A380 superjumbos with new cabins, including new Business and First Class seats. The announcement was quite something, given that Lufthansa had been close to permanently retiring the double-deck...
View from the Wing
Delta First Class Passenger Slams Inflight Meal: ‘I Wouldn’t Feed This to a Dog,’ Then Stays Behind To Apologize To Crew [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips. Continue reading Delta First Class Passenger Slams Inflight Meal: ‘I Wouldn’t Feed This to a Dog,’ Then Stays Behind...
185,000 bonus points: Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant card review
With this limited time offer on the Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant Card by American Express, you'll earn a welcome bonus of 185,000 points.
How Airlines Buy Planes Without Actually Buying Them (Yet)
Lately, airlines have been on an absolute shopping spree. We’ve seen so many airline orders. According to IATA,… The post How Airlines Buy Planes Without Actually Buying Them (Yet) appeared first on Wingtips.
Traveling For Miles
Look out for a truly fantastic new welcome offer from Chase
One of the few benefits of writing for a site like this one is that every now and again banks, PR agencies, hotels, airlines, and loyalty programs present you with information that hasn't yet been made available to the general public. The post Look out for a truly fantastic new welcome...
One Mile at a Time
Review: Air France La Premiere First Class Boeing 777 (MIA-CDG)
For the first segment of our royal visit to Versailles, we flew Air France’s Boeing 777-300ER La Premiere first class on the eight hour flight from Miami (MIA) to Paris (CDG). Air France is known for having one of the world’s best first class products, though I hadn’t flown it...
Eye of the Flyer
Delta Air Lines Messed Up My Gluten Free Meal
Background I’m Gluten Free.  Not because it’s trendy or because I think it will make me lose weight (it hasn’t) but because my body simply can’t deal with gluten.  If I eat even a small amount I feel miserable.  So I’m careful with what I eat on land, at sea,...
Agoda 优惠:预订香港展场附近住宿可享额外95折(2025/6/30前预订)
香港的各种展会非常多,每次到展会期间,附近的住宿往往都会价格飞涨。这个 Agoda 优惠活动为展场附近的住宿提 […]
樱花与春天,是浪漫的最佳注脚。3 月,樱花在枝头悄然绽放,3 月底至 4 月初迎来盛放。然而,其最佳观赏期仅有 […]
作为马尔代夫奢华酒店的标杆之作,马尔代夫W酒店(W Maldives)于 2024 年 5 月完成全面升级改造 […]
雅高心悦界3月会员周已经开始了,雅高会员提前3天预订大中华区住宿可享75折优惠,还可以参与法网VIP观赛抽奖, […]
Trip.com 活动:Eurail 欧铁火车通票优惠,限时85折+赠送10天 eSIM(25/4/1前)
欧洲的铁路网非常密集,也非常方便,因此很多朋友在欧洲自由行的时候通常都会选择火车作为城市之间的交通工具。像多彩 […]
有不少朋友都加入了不止一个酒店常旅客计划,在陆陆续续的过程中各个计划都会累积一些积分。那么这些酒店积分有效期是 […]
Agoda 活动:2025年宋干节,泰国酒店额外9折优惠(25/4/15前)
今年的4月初就是泰国的宋干节,也就是泼水节。每年都会有很多游客到泰国来体验新年的气氛,所以各家订房网站都会有针 […]
雅高作为大型酒店管理集团,在2009年就进入台湾设立了第一家酒店,后来又布局了几个不同的品牌,却在疫情期间陆续 […]