The Travelers Club
Viceroy Bali : l’expérience ultime du luxe confidentiel à Ubud
Perché au cœur des collines d’Ubud, le Viceroy Bali conjugue discrétion, élégance et service d’exception. Une adresse confidentielle pensée pour les voyageurs exigeants, à la recherche d’une expérience immersive, raffinée et profondément personnalisée. Une adresse exclusive nichée dans la jungle balinaise. Loin du tumulte des côtes touristiques, le Viceroy Bali...
The Travelers Club
Flexjet passe une commande historique de 7 milliards de dollars avec Embraer
Embraer Executive Jets vient d’annoncer la signature d’un accord record de 7 milliards de dollars avec Flexjet, l’un des leaders mondiaux de l’aviation privée. Ce contrat porte sur 182 appareils fermes et 30 options supplémentaires, comprenant les modèles Praetor 600, Praetor 500 et Phenom 300E. Une commande qui marque, avec...
The Travelers Club
Cathay Pacific (re)dévoile l’Aria Suite à Londres !
Le 8 janvier 2025, Cathay Pacific a officiellement lancé sa nouvelle classe Affaires, Aria Suite, désormais déployée sur les vols quotidiens entre Hong Kong et Londres. Cette nouvelle génération de sièges marque une étape majeure dans l’évolution de l’expérience premium à bord de la compagnie hongkongaise, qui investit massivement pour moderniser...
The Travelers Club
ITA Airways quitte officiellement SkyTeam !
Le paysage aérien européen s’apprête à connaître un bouleversement majeur avec le retrait officiel d’ITA Airways de l’alliance SkyTeam à compter d’aujourd’hui, le 3 février 2025. Ce départ précède son intégration prévue à Star Alliance, une transition logique dans le cadre du rachat de 41% de son capital par le...
Also on BoardingArea
Points With a Crew
Should you sign up for the Capital One Venture or Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card? (Welcome offers worth up to $1000)
Chase and Capital One both offer great mid-tier credit cards for travel points and miles. Which card is better?
Economy Class & Beyond
Last Week at Economy Class and Beyond (22nd March)
We’ve come to the end of another interesting week. Well, interesting doesn’t even the half it. Time for Last Week at Economy Class and Beyond. I’m down-route this week—no guesses where in the world I am. At least the Chicago River is a only little green after St Patrick’s Day.  Baby...
The Gate with Brian Cohen
What Is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 293
The photograph shown below was taken at what is known as a country pub that is located on the side of a main highway in Australia. I was left puzzled. For this edition of this popular game, can you guess what... The post What Is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 293 appeared...
Frequent Miler
No-go for Capital One / Discover acquisition, a power outage at London’s Heathrow Airport, and a trail in Eastern Europe (Saturday Selection)
There’s not a whole lot of suggested reads for this week, but a little of everything – from news about the hopeful Capital One / Discover acquisition, a massively disruptive power outage at London’s Heathrow, and a new, multi-country trail in Eastern Europe. Report: DOJ Finds Capital One-Discover Deal Would...
Live and Let’s Fly
London Heathrow Airport Reopens After Fire Caused “Significant Power Outage”
UPDATE: London Heathrow Airport has reopened and is fully operational after a fire at a nearby electrical station forced the airport to be shut down for over 16 hours. The airport promised, “We have hundreds of additional colleagues on hand in our terminals and we have added flights to today’s...
Your Mileage May Vary
How To Not Be A Victim Of This Stupid Airport Prank
If you’re old enough to remember a time before cell phones (and more importantly, caller ID), you were part of the generation that sometimes made prank phone calls. “Is your…
Bordeaux to Paris on a Battered CRJ-1000: My Hop! Review
Flying with Air France's regional subsidiary, Hop! on a CRJ-1000 operated service from Bordeaux to Paris Orly
View from the Wing
$600 Or More For A Room: Are Expensive Hotels Really Worth The Price?
Are expensive hotels "that much better" to justify their extra cost? A modest price over cheaper accommodations may buy you a better stay, but once you get past a few hundred dollars does the extra money really buy you very much? Continue reading $600 Or More For A Room: Are...
ATX Jetsetter
Weekly Recap: March 22, 2025
Catch up on the latest aviation and travel related news for the week ending March 22, 2025 in the ATX Jetsetter weekly recap. The post Weekly Recap: March 22, 2025 appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
One Mile at a Time
Weekly Review: March 22, 2025
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far! I’m at home in Florida, spending time with family, and have no travel coming up anytime soon. That works out for me, since I had a busy start to the year, and have a couple more trip reports to catch...
Your Mileage May Vary
Why Are So Many Free Hotel Breakfasts Called “Continental?”
When you choose which hotel you’re going to stay in for the night, there may be several deciding factors. It could be on your route, or it’s close to where…
Points With a Crew
Southwest Airlines Tried to Give Me a 10 Minute Layover (then they fixed it)
My original flight was delayed but Southwest wouldn't move us, even though it meant having a 10 minute (impossible) layover. But then they finally fixed it by....
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Airline Captain Fined For Failing to Maintain Contact With Air Traffic Control Resulting in Fighter Jets Being Scrambled to Intercept Plane
Captain Christopher Hollands has just been awarded the very dubious honor of being the first person ever to be prosecuted under a British law that requires commercial airline pilots to establish and maintain two-way communication with air traffic control. The shamed pilot has landed himself with a criminal conviction and...
Economy Class & Beyond
FedEx to add a further 10 ATR72-600F to its fleet
FedEx is working on its feeder network growth, with the airline adding a further 10 ATR 72-600F. FexEx ATR72-600F – Image, FedEx This order adds to a previous commitment of 30 aircraft, and deliveries are scheduled between 2027 and 2029.  These 10 aircraft are part of the 2024 undisclosed orders...
This Week in Points & Planes: Your WingTips Roundup
Another week, another deep dive into the wild world of points, miles, and all things aviation because, let’s… The post This Week in Points & Planes: Your WingTips Roundup appeared first on Wingtips.
Miles To Memories
Unthinkable – Why We’re Closing an Amex Schwab Platinum Card
The Amex Schwab Platinum is the sole Amex card type we've indefinitely carried. So why did we decide to close my wife's card? The post Unthinkable – Why We’re Closing an Amex Schwab Platinum Card appeared first on Miles to Memories.
View from the Wing
I Booked A Base Room On Points And Upgraded To A $2,300/Night Suite At Park Hyatt St. Kitts—The Stunning, The Frustrating, And The Reality
I enjoyed my stay, even a bit more this time. This property has so much potential. Though I imagine that while rates are high, there are too many periods of low occupancy and this isn't helped by how limited air service is to St. Kitts. Continue reading I Booked...
Live and Let’s Fly
Hilarious: Scandinavian Airlines Trolls British Media After Royal Blunder
Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) trolled British media on social media after two networks confused the carrier with a British military unit with the same initials. British Media Confuses SAS For Special Air Service, A UK Military Unit The closure of London Heathrow Airport on Friday due to a fire at a nearby...
Your Mileage May Vary
What To Do If You Forget Your Prescription Medications When Visiting Walt Disney World
A Disney World vacation takes a lot of planning. Park reservations, dining, Genie+, matching T-shirts — there’s a lot to remember. So it’s understandable if something slips through the cracks,…
Live and Let’s Fly
New Delta Air Lines Centennial Safety Video
Delta Air Lines is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a centennial safety video featuring flight attendant uniforms over the years and a special cameo by Deltalina. Delta Air Lines Centennial Safety Video: A Hundred Years Of Safety As it continues its centennial celebration, Delta released a new safety video it...
The Bulkhead Seat
2025 Weekly Review: March 22nd
Happy Saturday! I’m home in Tampa this weekend after a business trip to San… The post 2025 Weekly Review: March 22nd appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
One Mile at a Time
IHG One Rewards Premier Business Card Review: Worth It For The Perks
Link: Apply for the IHG One Rewards Premier Business Credit Card
Frequent Miler
Mastering AwardTool’s 32 degrees of freedom (Video)
AwardTool is a popular award search tool that’s very useful – especially for anyone with flexibility since its features help to explore different destination or departure options, among other things. Mastering AwardTool’s 32 degrees of freedom (01:06) – AwardTool offers “4-entry search” for free users, or “32-entry search” for the...
Points With a Crew
There Are Only TWO Kinds Of Credit Cards
Visa or Mastercard? Nope, that's not what we're talking about - here is why there are only two kinds of credit cards out there.
The Travelers Club
SAS introduit le Wi-Fi gratuit Starlink
Scandinavian Airlines vient d’annoncer l’introduction du Wi-Fi gratuit à bord de ses avions, grâce à la technologie Starlink de SpaceX. Prévue à partir de fin 2025, cette initiative vise à transformer la connectivité en vol, un élément devenu incontournable pour les voyageurs d’aujourd’hui. Starlink : une révolution dans les airs....
The Travelers Club
Emirates : des suites en classe Affaires sur les Boeing 777X ?
Emirates s’apprête à transformer son expérience en classe Affaires avec l’arrivée des futurs Boeing 777X. La compagnie prévoit d’introduire des suites privées dotées de portes coulissantes, une innovation qui, bien que tardive, pourrait marquer un tournant dans la stratégie de l’opérateur. En effet, Emirates accuse un retard sur ses concurrents,...
The Travelers Club
La renaissance de Starwood Hotels : un pari ambitieux ?
Près d’une décennie après l’acquisition de Starwood Hotels par Marriott International, Barry Sternlicht, l’homme derrière la création de la marque emblématique, s’apprête à en relancer le nom. Ce retour attendu par de nombreux amateurs d’hôtellerie de luxe vise à réintroduire l’esprit pionnier et l’innovation qui ont défini Starwood, tout en...
The Travelers Club
Messagerie gratuite à bord de Lufthansa sur le long-courrier
Lufthansa franchira une nouvelle étape sur le chemin de l’expérience client à partir de l’été 2025 en proposant un service de messagerie gratuit sur tous ses vols long-courriers. Cette nouveauté, attendue depuis longtemps, a pour ambition de repositionner la compagnie allemande face à des concurrents déjà bien avancés sur le...
The Travelers Club
Lufthansa : une refonte ambitieuse sur le long-courrier avec le « Projet Fox »
Révélée par nos confrères d’aeroTELEGRAPH, Lufthansa s’engagerait dans une transformation de son service long-courrier. Baptisé « Projet Fox » (pour Future Onboard Experience), ce plan vise à redéfinir l’expérience client et à restaurer l’image premium de la compagnie d’ici 2026, année de son centenaire. Face à une satisfaction client en berne et...
The Travelers Club
Air Algérie : une stratégie désormais centrée exclusivement sur l’A330neo pour moderniser sa flotte long-courrier
Air Algérie opère un recentrage stratégique majeur en adaptant sa commande initiale d’appareils long-courriers chez Airbus. En effet, la compagnie aérienne a annoncé l’ajout de trois A330-900 à sa commande existante, portant le total à huit appareils de ce type. Ce choix marque également l’abandon de l’A350-1000, initialement prévu, et...
The Travelers Club
SkyTeam durcit les règles d’accès à ses salons
SkyTeam vient d’annoncer une refonte majeure de sa politique d’accès aux salons d’aéroport. Objectif officiel : clarifier et harmoniser les pratiques à travers son réseau. En réalité, ces changements traduisent une volonté de rationalisation face à une demande en forte croissance. Vols domestiques : une ouverture mais progressive. Jusqu’à présent,...
The Travelers Club
Etihad augmente ses fréquences et sa capacité entre Paris et Abu Dhabi
Depuis le 15 janvier 2025, Etihad Airways consolide sa présence sur le marché français en introduisant une deuxième rotation quotidienne au départ de Paris – Charles de Gaulle. Ce renforcement s’accompagne du retour spectaculaire de l’Airbus A380, depuis le 1er novembre 2024, un appareil emblématique qui a déjà su prouver,...